2 palabras, 11 letras,

La cola

Añadido por The boy with the bread | Comentar(68)
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Comentarios (68)

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Es lo que tengo ahora precisamente.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Medic, Pues come tostadas.

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2 palabras, 7 letras, una acción... Te pille :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@!!ESKORE!!, Gracias ajajajajaaj, me pillas casi siempre ^w^

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@The boy with the bread, De nada xD, si, pillo a mucha gente xD

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He pishado a un pan :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Ese pan se alegra^^ :D

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Haces mal dudando D:

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, No, porque no sabes si me alegro o no D:

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@The boy with the bread, No te alegra D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Sí que me alegra DDD:

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@The boy with the bread, vale vale D: Pero oye...tú que eres un pan o un hombre (o chico) con un pan? D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Soy un pan con nueces para los amigos, y un chico para los que me caen mal D:
Así que hola, soy un chico con un pan.

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@The boy with the bread, te caigo mal? DD:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Era broma lol, soy un pan con nueces :DDDDD

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@The boy with the bread, Los panes con nueces son ricos si te tapas la nariz al comerlos :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, ¿Por qué te tapas la nariz? ¿Acaso huelo mal? D:

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@The boy with the bread, Cuando no me gustaba alguna comida y tenía que comerla me tapaba la nariz y así no sabía a nada :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, ¿Pero no te gusta el pan con nueces? D:

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@The boy with the bread, Nunca lo he probado :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Y con pipas? 8D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Qué dices DDDDDDDDDDDDDx

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@The boy with the bread, Es verdad que tu nunca has porbado el chupachup o un chicle? D:

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     0 / 0  
@~Thelittleprincces~, Corren los rumores D:
Nunca he probado los chicles, me dan asco

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@The boy with the bread, es que lo dijeron en un estado en el que había comentado D: Vaya D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, No comentes en sitios ajenos D:

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@The boy with the bread, comento en donde me da la gana D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     0 / 0  
@~Thelittleprincces~, No porque yo te mando D:

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@The boy with the bread, Eso eso lo que tu te crees D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Es la verdad ñññ D:

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@The boy with the bread, No, nadie me manda eñeeñeeñe D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Nadie menos yo DDD:

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@The boy with the bread, Nadie y sobre todo tú D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Yo molo, lo sabías?

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Si que molooooo D:

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@The boy with the bread, mola JB tú no D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, JB= Jorge Beltri. Mi primo 8D

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@The boy with the bread, JB= Johana Baleria. Yo.

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yo no, porque ya he cenao

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     0 / 0  
@varracas, Yo igual D:

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@The boy with the bread, me malvado xDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@varracas, Güat? xDDDD

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@The boy with the bread, es grasioso porque no me aucer

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Vistísimo e.e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Le prometí a un amigo que subiría esta frase, además me dijo que era inventada por él, y además me gustó D:

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@The boy with the bread, Sí...inventada...xD Estuvo en la princi

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Que dices DDDDDD:

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@The boy with the bread, Lo que oyes

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, No oigo nada

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Está cerca de mi casa

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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Acompáñame

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@The boy with the bread, Puedes ir solito.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Tengo que cruzar 7 pasos de peatones.

Zorra sin flequillo
Zorra sin flequillo    
     0 / 0  
ese pablete

Zorra sin flequillo
Zorra sin flequillo    
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@The boy with the bread, que secsi sales en tu avatar grrr

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Zorra sin flequillo, Lo sé:3 Aunque no soy yo

Zorra sin flequillo
Zorra sin flequillo    
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@The boy with the bread, si lo eres e.e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Zorra sin flequillo, No, es uno de mi clase

Zorra sin flequillo
Zorra sin flequillo    
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@The boy with the bread, pos os pareseis musho

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