En Desmotivaciones desde:

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 Votos recibidos:
bueno 661 | malo 9
Veterano Nivel 1

puntos 6 | votos: 6
Porque todos estamos - orgullosos de ti

Y todos nos hemos preguntado quien es 

Walt_k estas entre nosotros!!!
puntos 48 | votos: 48
Porque ir volando a Hogwarts - estaba demasiado visto...
puntos 16 | votos: 16
Me dejé la vergüenza olvidada - en el fondo del vaso en el último bar.
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Tu & Yo siempre Amigas - No importa lo que digan tu y yo siempre amigas
puntos 2665 | votos: 2701
-Hijo estas todo el dia sentado - en el ordenador.
-No mamá,estoy sentado en la silla

puntos 29 | votos: 35
Estamos acabando con los trolls. -
puntos 16 | votos: 16
...Y con este cartel - me despido de Desmotivaciones.es, doy gracias por aquellos que me
votaron positivo alguna vez y a Walt_K por la principal, ADIOS AMIGOS
puntos 10 | votos: 14
V - de vendimia
puntos 14 | votos: 16
Resultados finales - Felicidades a todos
Y GRACIAS a los 79 usuarios que votaron
puntos 17 | votos: 19
Estimados creadores de pokémon - ¿Qué será lo próximo?

puntos 25 | votos: 25
A que no sabías - que el Google Chrome tiene calculadora
puntos 21 | votos: 21
Mientras estas leyendo esto - hay un niño sin hogar buscando trozos de cartones para dormir en un banco
puntos 5 | votos: 5
LSD DREAM EMULATOR - Solo para los que hablan ingles o tienen confianza en el traductor de
A few years ago, while searching on /x/ for Paranormal or Creepy
games, I came across an obscure Japanese Playstation game, called
LSD: Dream Emulator. Despite the game releasing in extremely limited
numbers, many ROM sites had it available for download. Naturally, I
downloaded it, converted it, and started playing.

Unfortunately, the ISO was corrupted - or incorrectly ripped - as I
couldnt get any further than the title screen and, when I did, all I
saw was a mess of color and heard a strange fuzzing sound, like radio
static. I tried re-downloading the ISO multiple times, trying it from
different websites, but every single one was the same. Strange colors,
fuzzy static sound. I tried posting questions on various gaming sites,
but hardly anyone had heard of the game and even less had played it. I
learned that the game had a cult following, both here and in Japan,
and I eventually found a small yahoo fan group, dedicated to the game.

I posted a question, asking if anyone had managed to get the game
working on emulators, and a few days later, I received an answer.

Hi. I was one of members of the ripping group who released the LSD
rip. We managed to successfully rip the game, but we have never
managed to get it working on emulators, only the original hardware.

By this point, I had practically given up on it. I didnt have a
Playstation console, and my attention span was short, and I had long
since moved on to other things, like Eversion, and Yume Nikki.

Then, earlier this year, LSD was released on the Japanese Playstation
Network. I remembered how much I had tried to play it, even browsing
eBay a few times, in the vague hope that a cheap copy surfaced.

So, I made an account, bought a JPN PSN card, and purchased the game,
and after downloading and installing, I began playing it. The
Playstation logo came up as usual, but with SCEI instead, as it was a
Japanese game. There was no copyright screen, but they had removed it
from several other games as well.

The intro video started playing after that. Different colored words
bounced across the screen, spelling out Thespian Linked Dream
multiple times (Apparently this is what LSD stood for).

I pressed the circle button, and the game went to the title screen.
There was no Press Start screen, it just went straight to a screen
with 4 or 5 options. Start, Save, Load and Options.Above Start, there
was a line of text, telling you what Day you were on. It displayed a
DAY 01

I chose Start.

One thing I had learned from the Yahoo group, was that the first Day
always started in a Japanese House, with three floors. The contents of
the house were random. The entire game was played in a First-Person

I walked along the hallway I started in, and walked into a Bookcase,
and the screen faded to white. Thats the strange thing about this
game, you cant interact with anything. Walking into anything moves
you to a new area, which the game calls Linking.

The white faded away and I was in a field. I couldnt see very far
into the distance, because every area had fog a few feet ahead of you.
The graphics were also basic, with most having no texture to them. I
walked onwards, eventually bumping into a tree, which sent me to
another area.

This time, things had gotten a bit more sinister. I was in a dark
city, standing on a metal pier. A boat loomed in the fog, out on the
water, and lamp posts lit the streets. I walked down into the road,
and came across alleyways. Graffiti covered some of the walls, strange
multi-colored eyes staring out at me. Then I heard a noise and the
screen flashed quickly. I turned around.

Just behind me, a man had appeared. He was wearing a grey hat and a
long trench coat. He was walking slowly towards me, almost gliding
across the ground.

I tried to walk backwards, to get away, but my controller wasnt
responding, and he was getting closer.

For a split-second, two red dots glared out from under his hat, then
the screen flashed again.

This time I was back in the house.

Something had changed, though.

The textures of the walls, were replaced with pictures of real
violence. Women being raped, children torn apart, Cannibalism,
Torture, a Japanese man breaking his own fingers with a hammer.

As I moved through the house, the pictures slowly began getting worse
and the music began distorting and slowing down. The corridor was
longer than it was before and it was getting darker.

I knew what was at the end.

He was.

I moved onwards, the bile rising in my throat and fighting the urge to
vomit, as the pictures began escalating into terrible levels of
obscenity and violence. A few steps forward, a man removing a young
boys legs. A few more, a pregnant woman cutting her own fetus out.
Further still, a gang of men cut a cow to pieces, wrapping the
internal organs around their bodies. Closer to the end, people being
forced to eat the corpse of a child, vomiting as they eat parts of

Finally, I reached the end of the corridor.

The screen faded to black and a line of text appeared on the screen.


I wrote the link down quickly and a few seconds later, the game faded
to white again, and returned to the title screen.

This time, the status said D dAy 00

I tried to choose Start again, but the game wouldnt let me continue.
I restarted the PS3, and the status went back to a DAY 01.

Before I played it again, I tried the link. It still worked, and a
page came up, filled with Japanese writing. Further down the page,
there was a picture of the Gray Man, as he normally appeared. I cant
read Japanese, but one of my friends could.

He lived in Japan for a few years, so he could read and speak the
language fluently. I copied the writing down and called him up.

After he showed up, I spent the next few hours telling him what had
happened. Obviously, he didnt believe me. Who would?

But he still agreed to take a look at the writing on the page.

Despite several tries, I couldnt get the web page up again, so I
handed him the copy I had made.

He glanced at it for a few minutes and then suddenly turned white. He
handed it back to me and sat down on the couch.

He said nothing for 5 minutes, then he told me what it said.

If you are reading this, well done.

You have seen the man as he is.

What he did to me as I slept, as I

dreamed his dark nightmare. You have

also seen it. Those violent images

were him. He had no form, only the

dream man. He caused all this, those

events in the images, he took those

innocents and possessed them. He made them

do it. He made me make that game.

GRAYGRAYGRAYGRAYGRAYGRAY As he finished, he stood up, grabbed his
coat, and said Whatever you saw in that game, dont tell me anything
about it. Then he left.

The next week, he went back to Japan. I couldnt touch another console
after that. I destroyed the PS3 and replaced my computer.

A few weeks after he left for Japan, I got a call. He had killed
another man, then committed suicide.

The man he had killed, Osamu Sato, was the lead designer on LSD.

(If you guys are wondering, this game actually DOES exist.)
puntos 14 | votos: 16
Rabia e impotencia - Cuando luchas por causas perdidas.
puntos 18 | votos: 18
Alto bajo guapo feo negro blanco - ¿Qué más da?
Dentro de 100 años todos calvos bajo tierra.

puntos 15 | votos: 17
He tenido una corazonada. - No, espera, creo que es un infarto. Sí, es un infarto. Vaya.
puntos 19 | votos: 19
-Sora... -  ... dont ever change.
puntos 35 | votos: 35
Dices que vengo... - que voy, que siento, que escucho, que pertenezco, que sirvo para
mucho, que me estremezco.
Dices que mi mirada es limpia.
Mi vida era mas hermosa desde que apareciste, eres la flor que
iluminaba mi jardín, el viento que se llevaba a la señora luna, para
que luciese el sol...
Hoy solo quiero decirte, siento lo mismo por ti, pero ya nunca mas
podré ver tu cara...
Me encantaba escucharte, adorarte, sentirte...
El tiempo ha pasado, el aire no corre.
hoy nuestros corazones no laten al mismo ritmo, en este momento de mi
vida, frío, frío, muy frío... congelado.
Te quiero Lucía.
- Descansa en paz -
puntos 34 | votos: 36
Gato nuestro - Que estas en los cielos
Santificado sea tu pagina
Venga a nosotros tu voto
hagase tu voluntad
en la principal como en la cola

Danos hoy nuestro positivo de cada dia
perdona nuestros negativos
como tambien nosotros perdonamos
a los trolls
no nos dejes caer en el spam
y libranos del mal

puntos -15 | votos: 25
Desmotiva - que hayan personas que con 14 años le guste esta serie T.T

puntos 9 | votos: 9
-Tio vota positivo... - que sino este humano me mata
puntos 20 | votos: 28
Esta foto va dedicada - a las mujeres maltratadas vota positivo si me apoyas ,negativo si eres
un maltratador  y si  no votas esque no te importa este tema
puntos 10 | votos: 10
Sugerencia - Un nuevo voto  muy visto
es que ahi carteles que se ven demasiado
y también que si tiene un voto muy visto que sea
mas complicado llegar a la principal
pero que solo lo puedan usar rojos por los trolls
puntos 28 | votos: 28
El alchol - hace milagros
puntos 19 | votos: 19
Cantar una canción con toda - Tu alma... Y equivocarte.

puntos 12 | votos: 12
La vida - es como un juego de ajedrez
puntos 17 | votos: 17
Are you kidding me ? -
puntos 18 | votos: 18
puntos 27 | votos: 27
Horsie y Seadra - los pokemon LOL
puntos 20 | votos: 20
¡Atención desmotivadores! - Sugiero que al igual que se pueden denunciar carteles haya una opción
de dencunciar cuentas. ¿Por qué quién no tiene un cartel con un
voto negativo por un Troll, un usario sin un solo cartel y solo votos
¿Juntos podemos conseguir un Desmotivaciones mejor!

puntos 31 | votos: 31
Como te ves           Como te ven - Cuando te enfadas
puntos 4 | votos: 8
Vaaaaaaaaaaaamos, todos los fans aquí me cago en la puta ya eh
Si no sois fans o no conocéis a este fruto seco pasar del cartel, no
votéis negativo, muchas gracias.

ATENTAMENTE: LaNickaSUM41 y ana_10

PD: Pipas os quiere, muy en el fondo.
puntos 48 | votos: 48
Como sabemos que te encanta - Desmotivaciones.es
Hemos puesto carteles dentro de carteles para 
que puedas ver carteles mientras ves carteles
puntos 18 | votos: 26
Adiós - Si cuando leais esto estoy baneado
es porque hice el cartel incorrecto y
quise borrarlo, asi que hice spam
espero volver pronto D;
puntos 10 | votos: 12
Jabbawockeez - Porque han sido y siempre serán los amos del programa AMERICAS BEST

puntos 17 | votos: 17
Movita que f10 te preste un boli -
puntos 13 | votos: 13
Truco del almendruco - para los carteles en la cuenta de los usuarios
(para las dudas, comentad)
puntos 1073 | votos: 1295
puntos 3 | votos: 5
¿Quién soy? -
puntos 14 | votos: 14
La gente no cambia - cuando fallece, solo cambia la esencia de lo que son.

puntos 27 | votos: 27
La eternidad... - ...puede ser una maldición
puntos 42 | votos: 42
Reacciones - La cola                                 La principal                              Top 10
puntos 43 | votos: 43
Admin cabrones - Que en vez de mejorar la pagina se crean otra, se pide que pongan gif
y demás para disfrutar de la pagina y lo hacen todo en otra pagina,
avariciosos que llenan desmotivaciones de publicidad, como si no
tuvieran suficiente con lo que ganan por no hacer casi nada

Luego el FAQ, si si, lo voy a poner, este miercoles lo pongo... mas
de un mes, y ni puto caso

Encima a los superuser se nos oculta información, ya no sabemos ni el
nombre de los mod ni quien borra los carteles que denunciamos...

En serio admin, me dais vergüenza,  estáis dejando la pagina tanto
que ya da asco todo

Lo malo es que me borraran el cartel antes de que lo leais, pero me
quedare a gusto
puntos 2288 | votos: 2476
No sé qué me desmotiva más - Si el mini-regetonero con sobrepeso o las aprendices de poligoneras
puntos 20 | votos: 22
No esperes que te quiera - Si no demuestras que quieres que te quiera.

puntos 10 | votos: 10
                                         - Why not?
puntos 14 | votos: 14
Desmotiva - hacer deberes en verano
puntos 18 | votos: 18
La triste verdad - para unos es un chiste para otros es un problema.
puntos 8 | votos: 10
1999 -  Ken Barger, de 47 años, se disparó accidentalmente y murió en
Newton, Carolina del Norte, EEUU, cuando, al despertarlo el sonido del
teléfono al lado de su cama, trató de alcanzar el teléfono pero en
vez de eso cogió una Smith & Wesson 38 Especial, la cual se disparó
cuando Ken se la acercó al oído.
puntos 12 | votos: 12
Cada uno a su lectura -


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