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The artist
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@antoniogachero., No es una chorrada LOL

The artist
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The artist
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@comomolo(okno), The artist. encantado.

The artist
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@May., Es precioso.

The artist
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@superrot, Jajajaja pobres xD

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The artist
The artist    
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The artist
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House y sus grandes frases.

The artist
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Guau, me pone.

The artist
The artist    
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Viva Michael

The artist
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Pobrecillo xDD

The artist
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Michael esta en nuestros corazones.

The artist
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Lo intentaré :)

The artist
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Al final todos somos copias.

The artist
The artist    
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Una media naranja

The artist
The artist    
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Esas personas son las importantes, cuídalas.

The artist
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Precioso Snorlax-

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
@SDU3, Hay ocasiones que te encuentras entre la espada y la pared.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
@PaulaBurtonA7X, No tienes que darlas.

The artist
The artist    
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Sometiendo a inocentes.

The artist
The artist    
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@Edelweis95, Sí jajajaj he dedicado muchas horas a ello.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
Cuando tu vida es un infierno solo te queda morir.

The artist
The artist    
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@Edelweis95, Tengo, pero ahora me preocupa el concurso :)

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
@PaulaBurtonA7X, Sois increíbles.

The artist
The artist    
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@Edelweis95, Mucha suerte con ellos ;)

The artist
The artist    
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Impresionante Claudio, se nota que estás enamorado.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
Wow, como mola, menudos artistas.

The artist
The artist    
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A veces los mas locos son los más cuerdos.

The artist
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Preparando los examenes?

The artist
The artist    
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La próxima vez lo haré :3

The artist
The artist    
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Si no arriesgas nunca ganarás-

The artist
The artist    
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Si, jajajaja

The artist
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@guillari, Me sigues.

The artist
The artist    
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@LauraHippy, Te gustó?

The artist
The artist    
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@The_Second_Best, Hoy podrás beber y lamentar que ya no volverán sus alas a volar. cien palomas donde irán.

The artist
The artist    
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Me alegro de que pudieras entrar a esta cuenta.

The artist
The artist    
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Que buen cartel. A mi también me pasa.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
Oh, que bonita imagen.

The artist
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The joker / The artist

The artist
The artist    
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Buen dibu.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
Buen cambio.

The artist
The artist    
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Preciosa imagen :)

The artist
The artist    
     +3 / 0  
@AdrimolaXD, está ban.

The artist
The artist    
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@Coril11, Gracias Coril!

The artist
The artist    
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No es una mierda de cartel, a mi me gusta.

The artist
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@Belive, haahahhahahahahhaa

The artist
The artist    
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Increible imagen madremia

The artist
The artist    
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Muchisimas felicidades ELLA, espero que sean muchísimos más.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / -1  
@The_Second_Best, Gente que no debería ocupar altos puestos en esta página.

The artist
The artist    
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Buenísima comparación.

The artist
The artist    
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@iColorsFosforito, Todo un honor.

The artist
The artist    
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@you_for_me, Muchas gracias :)

The artist
The artist    
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@iColorsFosforito, ¿Te gustó fosforito?

The artist
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@Korsakoff, Fatal...

The artist
The artist    
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Las guerras sin motivo no las soporto.

The artist
The artist    
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@The_Second_Best, Pero el photoshop está DPM.

The artist
The artist    
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@Coril11, The artist :)

The artist
The artist    
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Todo nos acecha.

The artist
The artist    
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Nunca dejaré que volvamos a perder la conexión.

The artist
The artist    
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Hola amiga del xat :D

The artist
The artist    
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Hora de aventuras :3

The artist
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Happy tree friends :3

The artist
The artist    
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Con esa persona especial.

The artist
The artist    
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Preciosa imagen.

The artist
The artist    
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Precioso gato.

The artist
The artist    
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Hay gente que sólo se tiene a sí mismos.

The artist
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Al final de la relación.

The artist
The artist    
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Y si es con algo refrescante mejor.

The artist
The artist    
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Una gran ironía.

The artist
The artist    
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Ojalá ganes tú Fermin!

The artist
The artist    
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Es cierto, mucha suerte con el concurso.

The artist
The artist    
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Graffiti de un gran artista

The artist
The artist    
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Todo el mundo se da cuenta de la realidad del mundo.

The artist
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Que poeta estás hecho depre.

The artist
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@fulgor., Na.

The artist
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No entender.

The artist
The artist    
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@De Niro, Muchas gracias Robert.

The artist
The artist    
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Me recuerda a la peli de miedo de los pájaros.

The artist
The artist    
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Ojalá nunca te pierda :)

The artist
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Pobre niño.

The artist
The artist    
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Si, ojalá.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
Merece un hueco entre los mejores carteles.

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The artist
The artist    
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@Burbuja de fresa, Quilmes.

The artist
The artist    
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Muy currado, mucha suerte iristello.

The artist
The artist    
     0 / 0  
Oh, es precioso.

The artist
The artist    
     +1 / 0  
El amor une a dos personas distantes.

The artist
The artist    
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El orgullo.

The artist
The artist    
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@Burbuja de fresa, ¿Publicidad?

The artist
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Muy bueno 50 cm

The artist
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The artist
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@Burbuja de fresa, Entiendo.

The artist
The artist    
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Yes, I believe.

The artist
The artist    
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jajajaja, eso es cierto.

The artist
The artist    
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Si sueñas, loterías.

The artist
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@$cristian$, suerte hermano.

The artist
The artist    
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@SB_Odioalosfalsos, Eso es cierto.

The artist
The artist    
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En Sudamérica se define coger de una forma distinta que aquí en España.

The artist
The artist    
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Siempre tendrás tiempo.

The artist
The artist    
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Una imagen digna de un artista.


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