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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@lBeck, hehe

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, No mola el sarcasmo en serio.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Que pro xDDDD
Ya van 4 en menos de dos meses a.a D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Romantic_Boy, Sí ;O;

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Anga1213, Gracias cora^-^

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@De Niro, cómo tú

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Gracias esquirtel :3

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@May., Son tontas D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@sukisuki, Pero no molas en el fondo

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@fernitron007, La tierra

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@fernitron007, madre mía, es lo msimo

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@alex_peace, Nunca miento

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Esto está en la princi...
Y de hace dos días o por ahí

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@guisantalove, Ah vale, pero yo fui a mi viaje por placer no por estudios^^

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Nunca llorará ;_;

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     +1 / 0  
@fernitron007, Claro hahaha

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Que sín e__e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@FuegoLego, ¿Y en Inglaterra o Sudamérica no se cambia el apellido también?

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@sukisuki, Que malo D':

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@fernitron007, Que bonito mae mia

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Pone: I love Belén quince, que risa

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@FuegoLego, Y mira, en el cartel la bandera de EEUU, tss

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@fernitron007, El qué xD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Da igual

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Loca-99, Pero no veo na ;_;

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@grac i osa, Que triste uwu

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@guisantalove, no fuiste de estudios?

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@FuegoLego, Ah vale, eso lo sé, pero no me acordaba, y además esto es España.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, no ._.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, El mío alimenta a toda Europa

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@alex_peace, Estoy escuchando música en el móvil pero sin auriculares, así que no

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, No, otra D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, No es gracioso lol

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@alex_peace, Me dices? Yo no te oigo

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Edual_11, Me halejro
Es la mejor, es la que es lenta y el estribillo más rápido^^

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Has puesto esta cara "._.", eso significa algo

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@guti.19, Pues yo supongo que de nada xDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@guisantalove, Bien, pero yo fui con la familia

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@sukisuki, Pues no me creas, ale D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, Pene para desayunar D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@rebelde89, Amiga entonces e.é

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@iMaxi, Si me pagas sí

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Mmm...Claro que no.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Pero que largo xDDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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que raro tú por la princi e.e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Ay que me meo xDDDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Voté positivo, antes de darme cuenta de que creo que está repetido e_e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     +1 / 0  
O hablar con él por chat... ;_;

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Yo quiero D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Podrías ponerlo al revés xDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Y después decírselo y enfadarse con él, yo me siento genial xDDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Carteles de hace meses xD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Faure, Perversión no...Más bien masoquismo por ver eso D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@alex_peace, Le hace daño D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@TROLLRESHULON, Robistar, robafone, robange. Veinti, mesenyer :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@~Thelittleprincces~, No sabes escribir D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Yohenne, Sí D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Anga1213, Sí jajajaajaj
Muchas graciaaas^^

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Pablo_GomezL, ¿Yo tonto? D:

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Loca-99, Bale :c

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Imposibol e__e

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Faure, Con ir desnudo vale ;)

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@pau185, mandra?

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Edual_11, Te tiene que gustar sí o sí
Pero no te confundas, porque hay dos canciones
Está la de ¡Viva la Gloria! y la de ¿Viva La Gloria? , la que a mi más me mola es la primera

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@TROLLRESHULON, Mira en whatsapp
Alex [Apellido]
últ. vez ago 20 en 17:16

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@IceTorm, Completamente, mira, mi nombre de usuario es más largo, pícate

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@TROLLRESHULON, Si se hubiera conectado ayer :c Pero mira su avatar, parece ser que no está :ccccc

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@IceTorm, Sigo molando yo más que tú e.é

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Edual_11, Es de mis favoritas, sí, mola un montón, Abril llora con el principio

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@alex_peace, Cuando como algo que no puedo partir con cubiertos sí xDDD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Da igual, nos lo enseñará a los dos :D

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Edual_11, Una canción de GD tío, muere.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@negra violadora, A ver, me molesta, no me hubiera molestado que me hubieras dicho otra cosa
Y además, no tienes motivo por el cuál llamarme gay, solo he puesto "tk"

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Silso_Mathers., Me he adelantado JAJAJAJAJAJA

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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No sé por qué odio los puntos suspensivos al final de las descripciones de los carteles

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@iMaxi, Que asco

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Lo vi hoy xDDD
No cierres la cuenta por favor DDDDD: Y gracias por ponerme aunque estaba baneado

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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que nunca* xD

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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No molan las chicas maquilladas

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Tú de nuevo

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     +1 / 0  
Repetido por tercera vez, que clase de super propone esto? .___.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
     +1 / 0  
Si dices "Consulte" tratando de usted, no puedes decir "a tu oculista" porque ya estás tuteándolo.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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Bonita foto

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, No, soy otra cosa x)

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@Dutti, Qué le pasa :3.

The boy with the bread
The boy with the bread    
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@pau185, ¿Hací? o.ò


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