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The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@tony black jack, Te me vas a enamorar e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que majoso :D

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ala ala ala ala ala

The reason why I smile
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@Aletty, Sii :D

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@falfolla, Nada es bueno en exceso.

The reason why I smile
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@Julia_pikazo, Quién ha dicho que no?

The reason why I smile
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@Deimos., Jajaja...gracias :D

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, A veces alguien llega sin más, te cambia el rumbo y tú no puedes hacer nada

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Salir a volar sin preocupación, mientras tú solo sonríes y busco la manera de amanecer en tu almohada, cerca de aquel beso de desayuno que me prometiste alguna vez.

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Sabes que moriría por pasar junto a ti cada segundo.

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Tu sonrisa es ese puto motivo de existencia

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Incluso las discusiones van a ser perfectas si son con ella.

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Mientras tú solo sonríes y yo solo busco la forma de amanecer entre tu almohada

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Después e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Nada DD:

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@tony black jack, Jajajaja, si si e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Bien bien xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Enhorabuena campeón :)

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Vaya lagrimones por tu culpa D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Cosas de tomates e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Habla e.e

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@tony black jack, No no, tampoco lo pruebes, haz caso a tomatito :3

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Quué? e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que ya que? Has experimentado lo que ocurre? e,e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Si merece la pena si, el saber que te quiere tanto como tu a él y que estaría dispuesto a hacer lo que sea por verte, hace que la merezca :3

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No xDDDD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pero bueno, merece la pena e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que no se te ocurra nunca correrte en el agua xDDDDD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

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@tony black jack, Si si..hacer tocamientos en la piscina (??)

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Para mi es la primera y se pasa mal mal mal DDDD:

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@tony black jack, A saber e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Faltaría más e.e

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@tony black jack, Seguro xDD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Bah, pero necesitas más e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Claro, teniendo un piso libre aquí e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No te las puedes follar, te aviso e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Del reino marino xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No voy desde verano e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Porque me voy DD:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Horrible? e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Siempre lloro D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Y de los chicos feos como tú :D

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Paara qué? D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pues ahí paro en el autobús y me monto para volver e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Chiiii :D Y son mis 18, es una señal :3

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@tony black jack, Ni yo xDD
solo se que paro en la avenida américa e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Muy bien e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, De mucho xD
Porque no has venido a verme e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, El 12, lerdo e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo ya he ido e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No te lo sabes? O_______________O

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Soso e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Y el fin de semana en mi pueblo
Tú elijes e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Dos añitos tssssssss

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@tony black jack, Donde te apetezca e.e
Entre semana ---> Valladolid

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Y por experiencia y vejez gano yo :3

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Eso es Valladolid, de mi pueblo es a dos horas e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Contra mi e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que ocurre? D:

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@tony black jack, Quién lo dice? e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Dos horas y media en bus ee

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pues ven a abrazarme DDDD:

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@tony black jack, A ti te gana cualquiera también e.e

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@tony black jack, Ya veo ya D:

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@Cata_AAR, Si :3

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@tony black jack, Porque un bebé siempre gana e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Esto es lo que me quieres tú? D:

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@tony black jack,Pues ven a darme abrazos e.e

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@tony black jack, En Burgos no e.e

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@tony black jack, Tú no eres mejor que ninguna niña e.e

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@tony black jack, Será así en Madrid e.e

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@tony black jack, Imposible e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pajarito inglés :3

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@tony black jack, No como tú e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Inglés :D

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@tony black jack, A que cosas? O__O

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo? Nada xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ahora si, ahora no, no juegues conmigo D:

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@tony black jack, Más guapa que tú a poco e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, A poco e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Más majosa ella que tú, seguro e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, El otro dia dijiste que no, que me acuerdo D:

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@tony black jack, No les quieres e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Damelo e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Quiero besito D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Me voy al rincón a llorar D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Me deprimo D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Tampoco hay que pasarse D:

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@tony black jack, Ya, pero te copio :3

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@tony black jack, Como que supongo xDDD

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@tony black jack, Supongo e.e


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