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The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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Mi fotico enamoradora :D

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Es genial e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Pues no he tardado casi nada en buscarlas e.e

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Es que tú eres muy espabilada cuando quieres e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Es que tengo una pagina en la que solo salen fotos guachis :D

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Guachísimas (es que me lo pones a huevo, tooooonta, que eres tooooonta)

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Deja mi palabra guachi que te meto eeeeh

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, No me hagas contestarte a eso.. xD

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Jajaja contesta e.e

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Oblígame e.e

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Tú sabrás e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Solo sé que no sé nada e.e

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Qué profundo..

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Hace un año esa frase no se podía ni mencionar vv'

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, He pensado mal pero es que luego me llamas pervertida D: D:

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Por que que? xD

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Nada, que qué habías pensado...

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, De profundidad e.e

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Ah, pensé que decías el siguiente

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Razón no me falta e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Cierto es e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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felicidades, madre de i feel better with you

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Wiii jajaja :D

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