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martin pazos
martin pazos    
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muy bueno

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Gracias n.n

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, como no me respondas como es debido, no te vuelvo a hablar

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, A ver, ¿qué quiere el señorito que le responda? jajaja

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, lo que tu querias que yo te respondiese a ti cuando me decias eso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Mmmmm ¿que te quiero?

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, bueno... por el momento me sirve, pero con un beso incluido ehhh

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Lo del beso me lo tendré que pensar

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ¡JUM! pues me enfado y no respiro

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Jum, chúpame un pie e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, para mi los pies estan en los labios... aviso

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, para mi los pies estan en los labios... aviso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Oioioi estas cosas en público no, que me sonrojo jajaja

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si no ha comentado nadie

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¬¬ Ya lo sé

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pues era broma soso

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pues te hago cosquillas y te cojo

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿Qué me coges? e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si, de una forma especial... busque una imagen, pero no habia ninguna

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No te estoy entendiendo xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, esque hay que verlo o sntirlo para saberlo

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Explícamelo mejor e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, cojerte... esque no lo se explicar

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Madre mía chico xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No hay nada que decir..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, y entonces porque anteriormente ha pronunciado madre mia chico dirigido hacia mi

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Como diciendo que no te estás entendiendo ni tú

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, no es cojer de ai se eu te pego, si no de amor... levantarte del suelo, pero de forma especial

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿Ves? Ahora sí te he entendido

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, guay, pues eso

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ;D te quiero

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Y yo mi cielo

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si yo soy un cielo, tu eres un espacio

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, o una via lactea

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Alaa alaa xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, o el universo entero... nahhh, estaria mintiendo... tu eres mucho mas que eso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pero qué bonico eres

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, no tengo comparacion contigo... mi amor

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Deja de decir tonterías

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Ya te conoces mis métodos :D

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pues quiero algo nuevo

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No voy a pensar nada más xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pues quiero algo mas

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pues ven a buscarlo

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ven a darmelo

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No, eres tú el que quieres algo más

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pero yo estoy mas cansado

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Oish n.n

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, mi amor.... realmente me importas

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Lo sé :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Que te quiero tonto :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, motiva mucho que me digas eso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿Lo de tonto? jajaj

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, lo de que me quieres, tonta

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@martin pazos, lo de tonto tambien motiva bastante

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Jajajaja anda que..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, anda que que, que me haces si no ando

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Vaya paranoia te has montado tú solo xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, acompañame, y paranoiemonos juntos

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, solos tu y yo... es mi destino, es mi mision

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Y yo :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jjajajaja, muak!, mi amooooooor

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Tonto :)

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿Qué?

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, me has llamado tonto ;_;

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pero en plan bien e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pero necesito que me consueles
PD: que me consueles es mi aficion secreta

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Ahora ya no es tan secreta..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, que lo sepan dos personas, no es mucho

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pero ya es algo

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, a ti te lo tengo que contar todo

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Wiii :D

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, Waaaaaaaaaa

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