Dicen que el amor es libre

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Añadido por tony black jack | Comentar(93)
Imágenes, Carteles y Desmotivaciones de

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The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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Mi peli favorita :)

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pues el título y la descripción es una frase de mi canción favorita, que conste e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Qué canción?

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Una de Teko con Shinoflow

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Enseñamela e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Vale vale e.e
Pero que conste que no me gusta la forma de cantar de Shinoflow ._.

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Oye, me gusta e-e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, es que Teko es la polla en vinagre e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Una polla en vinagre es algo bueno? xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, ._.
es la polla en vinagre y punto

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo no las he probado, tú si? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, tú las has probado sin vinagre e.e
No, yo no u_u

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ala, que golpe más bajo xDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Me he pasado, lo ziento e.e
Si, es que yo soy muy bueno en estas cosas e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Mentira XD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, mentira que? e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Eres malísimo en estas cosas xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH
En dar golpes bajos y roturas no me gana NI EL TATO.
Donde soy malo es en el mal pensar e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Jajajaj bueno bueno, se nos pone malote e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, por eso me gustan tanto las battalas de freestyle e.e Los ponen a parir a tutiplén xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, A mi esas cosas...buuuueno e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, nah, si no te gustan bien por ti e.e e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, o mal D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, no tiene porqué u_ú

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, O si, esa es la cuestión e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@tony black jack, a no, que es sin h..
soy tonto

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, JAJAJAJAJAAJAJJA
Es que quedaba muy mal D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Ya estamos con la mal pensada e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No estaba pensando mal D: D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, huy que no e_e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que no D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Vale vale señorita churriguitesca D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Señorita qué? xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, churriguitesca e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Eso es...?

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No sé. Me lo he inventado e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, I like it e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Te has equivocado. El slogan del McDonalds es i'm loving it e.e (?)

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No es un McDonals s.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Y un Burguer? D: (?)

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Un chino e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Pfffffff
*como quiele el celdo aglidulce?*
Prefiero comer en casita, no suelo ir al burguer o al chino e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo tampoco, pero el chino me gusta :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Arroz tres delicias :3

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Dios, me encanta :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, A mi también :D
aunque las tres delicias todavía no se cuales son e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Eres tú (?) Ok no..ha sonado muy cursi xDDDDDDDDDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Hubiera quedado muy bien si no hubiera dicho TRES delicias, no una e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Tú puedes ser una e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Y las otras dos tú (?)

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que dos? xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, RESTA. 3 delicias - 1 delicia(que soy yo)= 2

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que corta soy D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Pobrecita e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Buaaaaaaaaaaaah D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Eso es un intento de lloro al estilo bebé? e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Si, pero sin pataletas e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Pues ha quedado super cutre e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@tony black jack, Y que quieres? D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, un lloriqueo más decente!

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Hoy tengo premio en lloriqueos e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Voy a cometer un asesinato wiiii

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, a mi no me mates! D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, A ti no e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, ni a ninguno de mi familia que te rajo e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ala D:
Que no e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, A mi mami ni te acerques hasta que se te pase la sed de sangre e.e e.e e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Antes te mato a ti que a tu mami e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Piensar matar a mi mami? D: D:
No, a mí déjame e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@tony black jack, piensas* (¬¬)

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@tony black jack, A tu mami no D: D:
A ti, no creo, pero hay mas posibilidades muahahahahahha

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pe..pero porqué? D:

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@tony black jack, Me caes bien (?)

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, vaya chufla e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Esa es mi expresión, ladrón e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, soy swiper el zorro e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Y yo la oca e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, qué? D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Dmayúsculadospuntos

The reason why I smile
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Uno es libre de encerrarse donde quiera xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@Bulma272, si e.e

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