Sé que no será para siempre,

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Pillada :DD Anye 2

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@alex_peace, Yihaaa :D

hector atl
hector atl    
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Ve a verle D:

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Ojalá

hector atl
hector atl    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Ojalá pudiera

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, Si quieres, puedes (?)

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Sí bueno xD

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, Poz ezo, vente

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, No llore y véngase

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, ¿Estás viniendo?

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, que vergüensa D:

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Tengo unas ganas de hundirte el puño en la cara *O*

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, eso es que me hamas :$

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Musho

hector atl
hector atl    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Jajajajajaj

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, jewjewjewjewjewjejwejwjejwjejwjewjeejwejejejrejwjrjweje

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Te has rallado .__.

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, como el queso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Ñam, queso :3

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, Queso roquefort :3

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, Jajajajajaja uno de ellos es ese (?)

hector atl
hector atl    
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@I feel better with you, está buenísimo :D

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@hector atl, To pa ti

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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Esto también es plagio a uno mío ewe

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Y yo soy naranjito .l.

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Lo serás (cara del guachap)

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Joder, con todas las que hay xDD

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, La que te pongo siempre, cacho leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerda

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, A claro, que te he puesto .l. jajajajaja

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@I feel better with you, Eres taaaaaaaaaaaaaaan predecible u.u

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@The reason why I smile, Estoy con demasiada resaca como para pensar cosas que no vayas a predecir xD

Kururugi Maxwell Suzaku
Kururugi Maxwell Suzaku    
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es para siempre si lo deseas de verdad

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