La perfección,

La cola

Añadido por Juser100 | Comentar(18)
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Famous last word
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@Juser100, fanboy :(

Famous last word
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@Famous last word, of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother. Listo xdd, no. Teresa 7u7

Comentarios (18)

Famous last word
Famous last word    
     0 / -1  
:c fanboys

     0 / 0  
@Famous last word, Eh?
No gustar video ._.

Famous last word
Famous last word    
     +1 / 0  
@Juser100, fanboy :(

     0 / 0  
@Famous last word, Echelon bitch

Famous last word
Famous last word    
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@Juser100, Es lo mismo.

     0 / 0  
@Famous last word, No. Echelon is a family, the other thingis just the other thing.

Famous last word
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@Juser100, Busca en la wikipedia fanboy .-.

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@Famous last word, A fanboy is a person considered to belong to one or more fandoms to a point of obsession. Another thing?

Famous last word
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@Juser100, Is a person considered to belong to one or more fandoms to a point of obsession.

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@Famous last word, Another thing?

Famous last word
Famous last word    
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@Juser100, ai don expik inglsi.

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Famous last word
Famous last word    
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@Juser100, eres una zorra? :0

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@Famous last word, Kinda xD Okno

Famous last word
Famous last word    
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@Juser100, mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother

     0 / 0  
Famous last word
Famous last word    
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@Juser100, of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of

Famous last word
Famous last word    
     +1 / 0  
@Famous last word, of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother of my mother. Listo xdd, no. Teresa 7u7

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