Y me queda este sin sabor

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Añadido por Una ilusion | Comentar(63)
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Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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Comentarios (63)

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, JAJAJAJAJAJAJA, a veces eres divertido :3

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Así es como deberían invocarme en los carteles jaja

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, pues entonces guardaré ese gifs :( aunque es muy bueno como para llamarte con él :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Ha eso me refería tonta. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, ay idiotito te entiendo a la perfección.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Estamos conectados a internet.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, tú no :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Y donde estoy?

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, :O en tu casa?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No exactamente. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, en un puente, sé que amas los puentes e_e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No, estaba junto a un volcan okno.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, jaajja, sigo imaginando tu amor a los puentes e_e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Ahora ya no es Walt, sino que puentes jaja

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, pues imagina un gato cruzando un puente xD te mueres jajaj

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Claro claro, no será que eso te pasará a ti. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, he encontrado algo mono xD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Quiero verlo ganso. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, mid quiere subir uno :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Pero si ella no está.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, por eso, pero me ha dicho :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Y que dice ella? e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, que haga un cartel, que te diga que te ama :3 y eso :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, ¿Qué me ama? lo dudo.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, :( te hizo un poema y todo :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Jaja eso es mentira.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, :O no me llames mentirosa :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Entonces muéstrame el poema. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, jajajja vale

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Sigo esperando. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, y esperarás :S no lo subiré :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Eres una gansa maligan. ;-;

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, me ime hiciste buscar qué es maligan xD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Joder. :/

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, resulta que es una industria jaja

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Jaja entonces si existe algo con ese nombre. Xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, aprendí sobre una industria y sigo sin entender, qué quería decir :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Es que eres tonta. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, porque lo has escrito mal :(
malvada sería? :O

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Sí, eres cruel conmigo.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, jajaja hablemos de zapatos, va? :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No me gustan. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, andas sin ellos :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion,

Uso zapatos en ariosol. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *-* amo ese sujeto :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Es tu amor platónico(? xD

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, no lo sé, pero sus pelis *-*
pd: cuántos amores platónicos tengo entonces? :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, A mí no me gusto la 2, fue un asco.
No sé, tu sabrás. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, qué bobada dice :(
no fue taaaan buena, pero tampoco un asco :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, A mí no me gusta para na'a. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, :( debes morir :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Todavía no, pero falta poco. C:

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, hoy caí en cuenta que estás joven :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, ¿Por qué lo dices?

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, cosas :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Llorona. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, no llore :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Entonces por qué tantas caritas tristes?

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, mmmmmmmooooooooooossssssssssss

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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