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Añadido por The smoking poet | Comentar(42)
Imágenes, Carteles y Desmotivaciones de

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Comentarios (42)

El mercenario
El mercenario    
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que se traga todo lo que pilla

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@El mercenario, No entendí, podrías explicarme?

El mercenario
El mercenario    
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@The smoking poet, que lanza volando todo lo que encuentra

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@El mercenario, Creo ya haberte entendido, lo que intentas decir es sobre la tormenta, no?

El mercenario
El mercenario    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@El mercenario, Eso imagine.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No has visto el cartel donde te invoque.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, ya vengo a responder :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Creí que te habían secuestrado o algo así.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, :( qué andaba sin pc, y buuueeeeeeno :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Claro claro, excusas. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, bueno, está bien, es que recordaba los motivos por lo cuales te odio y así :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Lo sabía, estabas en tus días.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, en realidad no :(
estaba triste y ya :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion,

Pobre gansa.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Jaja xD

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, lo sé, el tipo te encanta xD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, El Sr. Cheeto me da miedo. D:

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, con él estás más cómodo?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Me recuerda a Johan. xD

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, piensas en johan xD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No, solamente que ese chico es el idolo de él.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet,

él debe ser el tuyo, no?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Yo no tengo ningún ídolo.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, .-. mentira eso :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Es o bvio. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet,

adivinad a quién recordé hoy xD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Pensabas en ti? xD

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, jajaja ud es bob (bobo):3

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Yo soy bob patiño.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, él jajaja

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Bob el constructor. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet,ay lo conoces *-*

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Seh.

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el qué hubiera pasado si lo hubiera hecho

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Un juego de palabras eh.

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@The smoking poet, simples

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, No pude comprender.

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@The smoking poet, algún día lo harás

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Pronto?

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