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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., Que va a ser si no

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@soniavlc98, Ahora estoy en tumblr lol

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Si en ese hotel he estado yo lol xd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Me jsta la foto dkjflashdZfax

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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La foto sdhakjf

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@Contagious Chemistry, En todo caso sería: Lo más importante de la vida no son cosas, pero si dices que las cosas más importantes no son cosas, no tiene sentido xdxxd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@Alma en pena, Las cosas no son cosas (?)

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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LOL, es cierto!xDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
Te contradices a ti mismo

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
Yo también quiero ser super en ese rank xdddd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
Te gusta Sleeping with sirens? *^*

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Mandaprivado, no era que estaba en tu instituto?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Pensaba que estabas en el mismo que manda :c

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, 15. xD

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, Sí ostia

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Uno más que yo. D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Estás en cuarto, yo en segundo e.e

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, No, lol. ._.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Está sersi. e.e

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Una exposición y tres examanes ;:______;

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, La regla de los machos. D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, AL TROLL :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, No sabía si la conocías. Dx

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Tengo el calmo :O

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Mañana tengo un monton de exámenes y cosas T_T

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@111alba, Hola Dx

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Es verdad :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lalocuna, Pnsar en ti Xd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Mi peli favorita adklsjfds :333

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., yo mas

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, le pegamos?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Es juanaaa :33

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Es mi mujer

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Muy bien :333 qué haces?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Joan913, Me lo como? :D

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Luna Jonas, Que la frase la has escrito mal

Contagious Chemistry
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@Jasonic, Okas.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, eso sí.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, deseas mi muerte D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, muy mal eh.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, no sé :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Voto mil < 3

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, Aquí :CCC

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., es malo :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, gracias majo :3

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@XAMG, No tiene nada ver ._.
El algA, el aguA, el hadA.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@infranator, Torterra también mola mazo mazo *^*

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, De la foto :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Contagious Chemistry, ◘◘◘◘◘

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@lau laura laurita, Ahí arriba ◘

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, Pero en un caso así me da que sí xDDDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@RodryGreen, Ya :'CCC

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Me da miedito ;___;

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Te troliaron :(

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@infranator, Yo sentía un especial amor por Infernape cx

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Un cartel de la dutta sin coments :O

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, Ya no tienes princi muahaha c:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@infranator, Yo tenía a Roserade. e.e

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Igual que con los rinocerontes negros :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@XAMG, Responde, se dice el alma o la alma?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, LOL pues yo pensé que te habías confundido xDDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pero la cansión cý. :ccccc

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, Yo respiro siempre.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, Ahí*
Dónde? xDDDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Permito que eyacules.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@XAMG, El alma, no la alma. ._.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
Roselia < 33333

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     0 / 0  
Qué puke.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, Así mueresssss por fiiin

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Que pases una hija de gnomo >:C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pase una usted e.e

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, Qué tal? C:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Contagious Chemistry, La canción empieza en el segundo quinse c:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Córrase e.e

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, No te perdono :l

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, Escribe viem anda

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@cubitodehielo2.0, Porque va con l

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@kurara7, No confies ASKLJDEHFJDS D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Joan913, Quizás no

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, The boy with the bread :ccccccccccc

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@kurara7, Quién ha dicho que haya aprobado? (Aparte de mi)

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Joan913, Y si no saltará Dx

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Lo necesitan para sobrevivir, hace un mes lo estaba estudiando xD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Joan913, Y salta DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Joan913, Sí D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@C A T A L U N Y A, ¿Sabes quien soyyyy? :OOOO

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
Yo veía esta serie *^*


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