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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., dime tu :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Oneday, no soy yo Dx

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, Hola

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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¿Es Drop Dead? Asdfgflkjhlkdrhewr

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Asdfghjk favs *^*

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Éste lo vi in da cola C:

Contagious Chemistry
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Scorpions C:

Contagious Chemistry
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@jjaext, Ahora voy e.e

Contagious Chemistry
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@acid-burn99, Si fueras al menos un poco inteligente deducirías que lo he escrito mal adrede, genio.

Contagious Chemistry
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@Pollo_Popeye, Nope D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@111alba, súbelos, me gustaban :C

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@kokkyou_167, Ya sé a lo que te refieres JAJAJAJAJ sí que parece su pene xDDDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@negrata del butano, Ah lol xDDD

Contagious Chemistry
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@kokkyou_167, Pero dices que se le ve? ._.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@111alba, antes veía muy a menudo dibujos tuyos por tuenti... e.e

Contagious Chemistry
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@111alba, pero tqtqtqtq c;

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@kokkyou_167, Lo ves tú solo.

Contagious Chemistry
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@ejies, EL que?

Contagious Chemistry
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@ejies, k risa

Contagious Chemistry
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@Moises cientosesenta, ¿De medio? ._.

Contagious Chemistry
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@alelocodeamor, Y votas negativo jajaja xD

Contagious Chemistry
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@Punkitatuya, Ya :c

Contagious Chemistry
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@Moises cientosesenta, Pero en qué curso estás?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Moises cientosesenta, Yo no sé lo que es digital lol

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +6 / 0  
Desmontar el boli.
Dejar el boli en la mesa.
Ir a twitter.
Ver mil tweets sobre bolis.
Subirlo a desmo.
Tener princi.
Que te digan que el cartel es bueno.
Que Contagious Chemistry se pregunte que pasa con la humanidad.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     0 / 0  
@Moises cientosesenta, El de mates me va a suspender :'c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Por cierto, tengo que comentar que el chico de la izquierda de la foto es clavado a un chico de tercero de aquí. Incluso lo confundí con él. Y ahora no sé si es él o no.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Sobretodo magia xddd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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es berdad muxa rason

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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El >|< es una cara xdxd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Sólo pasa en las pelis xdxd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Mi profe de mates D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Tío esto está en twitter por montón e incluso lo he visto en estados del Tuenti desde hace meses. Bajarlo pls

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Es berdad, además la de arriva tiene razón.

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Iba a decir que muy bueno hasta que vi el coment de arriba lol

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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LOL tenía esa foto en tumblr xDDDDD

Contagious Chemistry
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Asdfghjkl es muy amor, mu' bonito :33

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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;w; Eso no mola..

Contagious Chemistry
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O con la de los anuncios de carrefour que es "A, A A, A A A, A, A A"

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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"que nos fuéramos"? eso queda raro o soy yo...

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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DEP, el tiempo no olvida

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
@Korsakoff, Ahora que terminé la paja, pues bastante bien.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., quien fue?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., Que feo

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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bueno▲ | ▼malo | puntos: 14 | votos: 14 ¡Gracias!

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., Mi avatar

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., las mias de ser gei

Contagious Chemistry
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@Still with me., boiera

Contagious Chemistry
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@Still with me., Hahahaahah k risa¡¡¡¡¡ =D :-P

Contagious Chemistry
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@Still with me., Hasta la vistaaaaa

Contagious Chemistry
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@Still with me., DI, OU, EM, GÜAI, OU ES, ¡DOMYOS!

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
     +1 / 0  
BILL *-*

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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YO voy a aparender a tocar la guitarra. c:

Contagious Chemistry
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@MonsterClouds, te quiero

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@MonsterClouds, y tu.

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@MonsterClouds, si tengo, y lo ves cada noche

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@MonsterClouds, te pene

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@MonsterClouds, te ano

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@MonsterClouds, te quiero

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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que poco visto ehxd

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pero yo soy moar wapo.

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, El mio no, me cae mal. :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pega al feo de tu avatar. :''''c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pero si da asquito. :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Entonses por que dises que es guapo::c

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, porque ves mal :ccc

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pro que dises, estás sieguita. >:c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Es muuu' feo :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Y no sale su cara porque es feo :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Que bonito avatar

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Spoiler :ccccc

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Dutti, Pero le tienes en tu habatar. e.e

Contagious Chemistry
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@Locus., Estás locus gfshghj

Contagious Chemistry
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Caja de gambas ftw xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@~Thelittleprincess~, con seta?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@~Thelittleprincess~, Ya no lo voy a haser:c

Contagious Chemistry
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@~Thelittleprincess~, no, uno de una kansion

Contagious Chemistry
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@~Thelittleprincess~, No se q cartel suvir:c

Contagious Chemistry
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@negrata del butano, Claro, pin de eulalia y jesusa e.e

Contagious Chemistry
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@~Thelittleprincess~, Si yo nunca respondo hací :c

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Que cartel mah malo

Contagious Chemistry
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@Dutti, olaxd

Contagious Chemistry
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@~Thelittleprincess~, Clava penes

Contagious Chemistry
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@lau laura laurita, Pero mazo

Contagious Chemistry
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@mariposa monarca, Of cors

Contagious Chemistry
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@negrata del butano, Por tu platano :$$$

Contagious Chemistry
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@negrata del butano, Rajas gatos?

Contagious Chemistry
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@99carmen22, Ya :C

Contagious Chemistry
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@drackjuliio, Me la suda que esté repetido macho xD


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