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puntos 1 | votos: 1
When You Think~ - Of All The Good Animes They Made In This Year
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Dont Ever Be Afraid~ - To Show Who You Really Are...
Because As Long As You Are Happy With Yourself,
No one Elses Opinion Matters.
puntos 4 | votos: 4
A Smile~ - Can Get You Out Of A Tough Situation,
Even If It Is Fake~
puntos 3 | votos: 3
They Said~ - If They Can Do It, You Can Do It Too I Relpied~
 If Others Can Do It, Then Let Them Do It
puntos 3 | votos: 3
You Dont Die... - For Your Friends...
You Live For them!!

puntos 3 | votos: 3
Happiness~ - Isnt About Getting What You Want,
Its About Loving What You Have & Being Grateful For It.
puntos 3 | votos: 3
True Love~ - Is Like A Man Playing Chess,
Always Afraid Of Losing His Queen.
puntos 4 | votos: 4
If Youre Helping Someone~ - & Expecting Somenthing In Return,
Youre Doing Business Not Kindness.
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Just Because You Keep~ - Trying To Do The Right Thing,
Doesnt Youre Guaranteed A Happy Ending.
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Being A Hero... - Doesnt Mean You Are Invicible....
It Just Mean You Are Brave To Stand Up,
And Do Whats Needed.

puntos 3 | votos: 3
If Someone Ever Told You~ - That You Are Selfish, Then Say~
Iam Not Selish, The World Just Denied Me....
puntos 3 | votos: 3
If You Cant Do Somenthing... - Then Dont Do It....Focus On What You Can Do~
puntos 4 | votos: 4
The Most Stupid~ - Thing In The World Is Acting Like a Friend....
To The Person You Love...
puntos 2 | votos: 4
Dont Change.... - So People Will Like You,
Be Yourself,
& The Right People Will Love The Real You~
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Don’t be so quick~ - To throw away your life...
No matter how disgraceful or embarrassing it may be,
you need to keep struggling to find your way out until the very end.

puntos 3 | votos: 3
If you only face forward... - there is something you will miss seeing....
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Fighting For~ - Honour Or For Loyalty
You might as well be fighting for dust....
 If you want to kill, do it for your own sake!!
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Its A Nice Though~ - To Believe In A Next Time
If It Was A Real Battlefield, There Wouldnt Be A Next Time
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Never Let Your Stength~ - Be Power Alone~
puntos 2 | votos: 2
Sometimes I Regret Being Nice... - Apologize When I Didnt Do Anything Wrong...
& For Making Unworthy People A Priority I My Life....

puntos 5 | votos: 5
Words Cut Deeper~ - Than A Knife, Knife Can Be Pulled Out,
Words Are Embedded Into Our SOULS.
puntos 2 | votos: 2
Dont Trust Too Much... - Dont Love Too Much...
Dont Care Too Much...
Because That ~Too Much~
Will Hurt You So Much...
puntos 3 | votos: 3
The Truth Is Everyone~ - Its Going To Hurt You,
You Just Go To Find The Ones Worth Suffering For...
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Thinking Youll Understand... - Without Being Told Its An Illusion...
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Dont Wait For Tomorrow... - Because Youll Never Get Today Back.

puntos 0 | votos: 2
~Dab~ - The Best Way To Finish Roasting Someone =)
puntos 2 | votos: 2
~Keep Staring~ - To Those Who Loves You,
You Will See Your Future Within Their Eyes.
puntos 1 | votos: 1
To Lose Yourself In Pursuit~ - Of A Dream, Is Better Then Not Pursuit Anything At All....
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Floating In A Paradise~ - Where Music Beats For Our Hearts~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Your Heart~ - Touches Wath Yout Hands Cant~

puntos -1 | votos: 1
I Have Loved... - The Stars For Too Long....
To Be Fearfull Of The Night...
puntos -1 | votos: 3
You Wont Know Happiness... - Until You Have Being Sad...
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Come On... - Lets Go In A Journey~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Music Soothes A Hollow Heart - Nothing Could Go Wrong
puntos 1 | votos: 1
We All Eat Lies~ - When Our Heart Is Hungry

puntos 1 | votos: 1
Sometimes The Only Way~ - To Find Happiness Is To Run Toward Sadness...
puntos 2 | votos: 2
The Bigger The Darkness. - The Brighter The Light Shines.
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Now.....Kindly... - Drop Your Weapon...
puntos -1 | votos: 1
All I Need To Do... - Its Dodge Every Attack!
I Believe...I Have The Power To Stop This...
To Protect Everyone!
What, I Was Attacked...? Heavy....
Iam Accelerating, Faster! ~Suguri~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Do Not Set Yourself On Fire... - In Order To Keep Others Warm~

puntos 1 | votos: 1
You Wont Find Happiness.... - If You Dont Search For It~
puntos -1 | votos: 1
You Have To Be Odd... - To Be Number One~
puntos -1 | votos: 1
~Be Somebody~ - ~Who Makes Everybody~
~Feel Like A Somebody~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
If You Cant Help Somebody... - If You Cant Help Yourself...
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Welcome To Heaven - Were Stories Come True.

puntos 1 | votos: 1
You Know Youre On The Right~ - Track, When You Become Uninterested In Looking Back~
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Make A Quote~ - It Might Inspire You~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Rain & Tears Bring Same Message~ - When Running Down Your Face~
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Swim Through An Ocean - Of Beatiful Things,
Music Belongs In My Ocean.
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Always Keep Your Eyes Open~ - Because wathever you see can inspire you~


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