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puntos 6 | votos: 6
The man who moves a mountain~ - Begins by carrying away small stones....
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Isnt it funny how day by day~ - Nothing changes....but when you look back.... 
everything is different...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
You are never too old~ - To set another goal or to dream a new dream...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Iam your Star~ - But you never look at the Sky...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Game Over~ - Try Loving again?...yes?...or..no?..

puntos 7 | votos: 7
What makes you happy?~ - The face under the mask....Is It your true face?...
puntos 3 | votos: 3
No matter when it came~ - The wind carried the same thing....Death..
puntos 7 | votos: 7
The wise man knows~ - His fate...The fools marely founds it
puntos 5 | votos: 5
Good fighters have~ - Contigency plans.....Great fighters dont need them
puntos 4 | votos: 4
They told me it will~ - Eat me Throughs...& Leave me full of Light..

puntos 7 | votos: 7
Starlight is your guide~ - No vacuum will contain you....
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Rest easy in distant fields~ - Because this is not the end...Its just the begining..
puntos 5 | votos: 5
It is not enough to kill~ - The enemy....The act of violence must become self-sustaining...
puntos 3 | votos: 3
If you believe your weapon~ - Wants to end all existence....then so it will..
puntos 4 | votos: 6
In the garden grows a tree~ - Of silver wings... the leave are ruins the bark disaster...of the
seeds we do not speak...

puntos 5 | votos: 5
He walked out into the~ - Demon light...But at the end he was brighter...
puntos 5 | votos: 5
In that last moment she seemed~ - As wholly luminescent as the Sun...& I wished to be so brave...
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Reality is wrong~ - Dreams are real...
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Most of the people is trapped~ - In His armor...We put barrier to protect...who we believed  we
are...then one day we stay trapped through the barrier... 
& and we cant get out...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
The light shines brightest~ - In those it consumes....

puntos 5 | votos: 5
Fire is the breaking of bonds~ - Fire is freedom..We must be swift & thorough in our liberation..
puntos 5 | votos: 5
Whoever survive our passing~ - Does so only by our consent...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Youve heard every last tale of~ - Wolf by now.. None of them are true.. Youre the Wolf...
puntos 6 | votos: 6
Your presence is~ - Imperfect.....& i dont tolerate the imperfection
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Inside of us ~ - There is always the other side...

puntos 8 | votos: 8
Secrets~ - Sometimes  make you be without any words to say....
puntos 7 | votos: 7
This Time~ - The Magic Migth Dissappear~
puntos 7 | votos: 7
Like Snake~ - With the eyes on you....you cant think when he can attack you
puntos 6 | votos: 8
Not because~ - Is strange means that they cant do normal things like us~
puntos 1 | votos: 3
ODIO~ - Personas con pasiencia siempre tendran un momento
para expulsar el odio que tienen desde hace mucho tiempo

puntos 5 | votos: 7
Alone~ - For others is the best thing be alone~
puntos 9 | votos: 9
Daft Punk~ - One of  the first  electronic band
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Time~ - Dont waste time..or..you will be always late...
puntos 4 | votos: 6
Destiny~ - You build your own path
puntos 5 | votos: 5
Cry~ - Not always its the best option

puntos 5 | votos: 5
Dont Give up~ - First word we hear inside of us when
we dont want to lose something special
puntos 4 | votos: 6
Our imagination~ - Make us be pretty creative
puntos 9 | votos: 11
Some people~ - Like to cook in old things like on the past
puntos 4 | votos: 4
When we were kids~ - We watched the world with a big imagination
puntos 7 | votos: 7
When you draw - Sometimes make you feel better

puntos 9 | votos: 9
Porque~ - La Musica siempre nos lleva lejos....
del mundo real
puntos 8 | votos: 10
She burn~ - like just a vocaloid....wich was 
her first song?...
puntos 3 | votos: 7
FRIENDS FOREVER~ - always toghether~
puntos 4 | votos: 6
A destroy world~ - be alone like this....is just ....sad...bored...
but i need to learn live like this~
puntos 5 | votos: 5
Puede que no sea ap~ - Pero mi penetracion es magico

puntos 4 | votos: 6
Miku~ - Yea....an a virtual vocaloid....
and now....she is around the world
puntos 5 | votos: 7
Sometimes~ - its better.... be alone.... away from d world
puntos 3 | votos: 5
Over and over~ - same question....what happen?..
after we die....?
puntos 4 | votos: 8
~Keep moving forward~ - always...everyone.... will tell you this word~
puntos 9 | votos: 9
Uno puede llegar a reencontrarse - con quien creía que no volvería a ver.


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