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puntos 3 | votos: 3
I can never do right - in your mind
Its just so hard to stay attached to this world
puntos 0 | votos: 2
Spotify Wrapped 2024 - olvidé subirlo, aquí está xd
puntos 1 | votos: 1
La vida se trata de nada - Supéralo
puntos 5 | votos: 5
TopSecret82 - Os desea un feliz 2025
Primer cartel del año canon
puntos 1 | votos: 1
!hug Borea - Este si es el ultimo?

puntos 0 | votos: 0
Stuff I wanna do in 2025. - Typing and being online in a computer can be much better and smoother
than being all the time on a phone. I dont have my own, but I should
spend more time on the house computer. 

Feel at home in my body. Feel capable, confident, comfortable at rest,
comfortable in stillness, and capable of seeking pleasant movement,
making sure it goes smoothly. Enjoy cozy, atmospheric moments, and
sensory pleasures. Organize my spaces with calm and confidence.

Feel secure. Protect my peace. Stay away from toxicity and avoid
potential toxic situations such as those in Discord or Instagram
groups. Be very careful with people in real life too, and be detached
to stay emotionally safe. Have clear, defined boundaries with other
people. Say no to unwanted requests. Enjoy alone time.

Feel confident. I want to be confident and secure in my emotions too.
Let any self-doubt and thought of insecurity pass by, not giving it
any weight or attention. Not let any external opinion or judgment
bother me, and return to my inner peace always. Be confident in my
character, my personality, my sexual identity and my beliefs.

Take direct action to protect my interests as an act of self-love,
such as the time I asked for a doctor visit. Examples of this could be
going to the store, talking walks, asking for things, saying no to
things, expressing myself directly, clearly and with no shame, etc.

Take care of my health. Stay smoke-free and avoid alcohol. Start with
gradual movement. Do walks whenever possible. I can walk through the
streets or explore places such as squares, forests, the beach, and
cafés near me, to make it extra cozy and give myself an incentive. I
can carry cozy books, my headphones, my phone. Enjoy some alone time
in the café, reading a book, if I find one. Or take coffee/tea to my
walks and pee in the forest or the beach. Not feel pressured at all to
take these walks, but make them enjoyable and desirable. Go to the
store with your family whenever possible, as thats an easy way to get
some movement. Cycling to English school, to German classes and
therapy is also a possibility. Im not sure if Im actually getting
the bike, but its a nice possibility to have and use whenever I feel
like it. I might even end up liking it. To the walks and cycling I can
add home workouts, that is, strength training for muscle groups.
Perhaps every other day, the days I shower. Having a healthy, varied
diet, with fruits, vegetables, white meats, legumes, and tasty stuff
too. I could add granola and yogurt. I could cook healthy foods, but
sugar cookies and sweet treats too. Cooking would be kinda amazing,
experimenting with simple or curious recipes. Trying out new kinds of
tea, and drinks. Relaxation, being present in my body. Reducing stress
and upholding calm and security is taking care of your physical health
too, since stress is bad for your body.

I want a calm nervous system. Letting myself feel any anxiety or
stress, letting any ego-dystonic thoughts pass by, giving them no
power or weight over my mind, and realizing that they are nothing but
thoughts. Recognizing its just anxiety, and that its very human to
feel it.

This one might happen naturally, and its better not to force it. It
might take longer than this year, and thats perfectly fine. Its also
not as important as the others. But it is also a desire of mine to
reduce my anxiety so much that I am able to go around without relying
on carrying my meds everywhere. Feeling secure enough, you know.

Regulating my anger issues. Staying calm, taking breaths, removing
myself from the situation and stepping outside for fresh air. I dont
want to clench my whole body in anger ever again, that is so harmful
and unhealthy.

Stop annoying and creating conflicts with my brother as a catalyst for
repressed anger or boredom. Stop entering his room too. Find better
ways to deal with my emotions and childhood repressed anger and shame
on my own.

Be more organized to be more confident. Make organized playlists. Type
with caps on and punctuation whenever you feel like it. Study more,
and make organized notes in your notebook. Make actual notes in your
notebook in the first place. In order to motivate myself to take
notes: bring coffee to your classes and drink it, recreating that 2023
aesthetic. Try to make your notes aesthetic and good-looking. Keep
your room as tidy as you can, mentally. Keep your online spaces and
gallery organized too. Eat more regular meals, and especially warm
them. During school year, go to sleep on time so that you may wake up
at 13 and have time to pack your stuff and get out of the house
calmly. Leave places tidy, dont leave crumbs or garbage behind. It is
actually very possible to do this while remaining calm and present in
your body, and you dont need to be obsessed with it or constantly
thinking of it at all. Same with walks and exercise.

Mental stimulation. Minecraft and possibly other games, Daria and
other series, getting into films, whether with my family or on my own,
reading books (I have some due to read), watching interesting Youtube
videos on mental health, self-improvement, random topics of interest,
scientific, humanities, entertainment, anything. Possibly picking up
some more of languages like Russian, Belarusian, Esperanto, perhaps
even Polish, through the internet. 

Enjoying my alone time. So far I think a boy would have to be kind of
the ideal person to be my couple, since I require lots of personal
space. I think I might get used to sharing it, but Im not sure. The
thing is that I wanna be happy on my own, like I was in 2018. Solitude
can be glorious and beautiful, extremely cozy and satisfying. And I
wanna be happy and confident on my own, with solid boundaries, before
even considering the possibility of anything else. Whats more, I
might actually like my solitude and stick with it, but I dont know.
That is not certain yet.

Most importantly, though, I wanna be present in the present moment,
and enjoy it with calm and relaxation. Enjoy my feelings, character
and personality in those atmospheric moments. The ideas in this list
involving exercise and organization are harder to complete than the
others, and Im not gonna be stressed out by this, as my priority are
those involving inner peace, mental health, and other areas of
personal self-development, such as emotional regulation and
self-esteem. Sure, walks and exercise are amazing, so is being more
organized, and theyd be very cool things to include in 2025. But if I
dont complete those objectives at a 100% level, Im not gonna beat
myself up. My priority is enjoying life and the present moment, with a
strongly existentialist and absurdist mindset, and Im not willing to
put pressure on myself. Merry 2025.
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Primer cartel de 2025 - Segun desmotivaciones.es xd
Dedicado a la perra asquerosa de alice
puntos 1 | votos: 1
¿Ultimo cartel de 2024? - Según desmotivaciones.es
puntos 17 | votos: 19
Para ti seremos  - simples ratas 
pero juntos 
podemos hacer arder
la llama de la revolución
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Mi compañera de clase: José Mª - a ver si me enseñas, algún día de estos, 
ese mundo tuyo del anime/manga...
YO: Claro, sin problema.. TE VA A ENCANTAR. Eso sí,
trae tu el sirope de fresa.
Mi compañera de clase: ¿Sirope? ¿Para qué?
YO: XD!!13


puntos 0 | votos: 0
Lo que diga la Mayoría... - Lo que diga la mayoría no es la verdad…
Bad bunny no es buena música y  la gente  dice que lo es. 
La Ciencia y lectura no importa nada y la gente lo dice.
Tener muchos  amigos te define como  persona y la gente lo dice.
Por eso ganar dinero  de forma deshonesta o ganarlo de forma honesta 
solo porque mucha gente te sigue no es tener éxito es solo ganar
puntos 17 | votos: 21
Soon Ill return to my prime - my future will be motherfucking brilliant
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Escucharon a esta pendeja -
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Se me acabaron las imagenes - Solo me queda por subir el manifiesto de mi canal borrado.
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Sample text -

puntos 1 | votos: 1
Oh - Mierda
puntos 1 | votos: 1
1,2,7,3 - Down to Rockefeller street
Life is marchin on do you feel that?
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Sueños -
puntos 2 | votos: 2
No lo se - Solo quiero estar con ella
Tomar algo juntos, y que el cielo sea muy azul
Que caiga un poco de lluvia en la ventana
del coche, que haya un sitio donde solo 
pueda estar con ella y acariciarla
no se si estaré pidiendo demasiado
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Pan - Mi primera Waifu.

puntos 1 | votos: 1
Doloroso es saber cuando - Prometen una segunda oportunidad y te la niegan.
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Navidad - Borea
puntos 0 | votos: 0
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Nadie te tiene Envidia... - No estudias, no tienes un buen trabajo, no tienes ningún talento, no
eres atractivo ni has logrado nada importante en tu vida. 
Deja de crearte enemigos imaginarios.
puntos 2 | votos: 2
Nunca estuve en el top 100 - pero lo conseguí.

puntos 0 | votos: 0
Copias de la estatua de la libertad - En el mundo no.35 Colombia

Así que esta es probablemente la réplica más lejana de la estatua
original. Ha sido aceptada como una réplica de la estatua de la
Libertad por su postura, su antorcha y los rayos de su corona, pero
hay que decir que es todo lo que tiene semejanza. Y deberíamos decir
él tiene porque es una estatua masculina, ya que su desnudez no
deja lugar a dudas. Esta estatua se encuentra en el parque Jaime
Duque, que se encuentra en las afueras de Bogotá. Este parque ofrece
varias copias de monumentos famosos y una fiesta en el zoológico. No
se sabe si esta estatua se considera una obra que no tiene nada que
ver con la Estatua de la Libertad o si, por el contrario, es una
reproducción gratuita de un artista local. Todavía se parece más a
una reproducción de un rito local, por lo que no tiene nada que ver
con Miss Liberty.
puntos 2 | votos: 2
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Ustedes creen que isayama - Traiga de vuelta a los titanes en esta nueva versión de Shingeki no Kyojin.
puntos 0 | votos: 0
No estoy sola - Todos me apoyan y yo los apoyo a ustedes
puntos 2 | votos: 2
La toxicidad de un amigo - Puede matar las sonrisas que juramos proteger.

puntos 1 | votos: 1
puntos 1 | votos: 3
La toxicidad de un amigo - Si es capaz de matar a sonrisas que juramos proteger.
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Los tiempos modernos - son mas complicados de lo que parece, suficientes para volver loco a
puntos 0 | votos: 0
—Que vea el profesor como sacas - una pluma de las de toda la vida, como en la edad medieval,
 y le digas tú....
Mi pareja me decía que soy un CATACALDOS. 
Me gusta experimentar
cosas nuevas, siempre, todos los días, a todas horas. 
puntos 2 | votos: 2
usuarios - con mas principales en desmotivaciones

puntos 2 | votos: 2
Ha empezado el armagedon -
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Yo no estoy aquí para - caerle bien a nadie. Prefiero decir la verdad,
a ser otro mentiroso más, como la gran
mayoría de la sociedad actual, que niega 
lo obvio y se encierra en un mundo de mentiras.
puntos 1 | votos: 1
Hola -
puntos 0 | votos: 0
La chica que da animos - Afortunadamente reapareció para dar una nueva oportunidad.
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Las fiestas se acercan - Pero la politica estaunidense se desmorona mas.

puntos 3 | votos: 3
Hay que seguir insistiendo - Para conseguir tus sueños
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Momazos Bashar-Al-Assad - Puta que sad :,v
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Esquizofrenia y demencia - la cancion
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Traducción - Soy una puta
puntos 2 | votos: 2
Ehmmmmm -

puntos 1 | votos: 1
Mmmmm -
puntos 7 | votos: 7
El precio de la nube verde - En la oscuridad de un momento fugaz, los ojos revelan las
consecuencias de escapar de la realidad
puntos -1 | votos: 1
El siglo XXI nos - Salio un bigotes judío 2.0
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Mujeres así todos los hombres - Quisiéramos tener en esta vida donde haya una Annie leonhart, Mikasa
Ackerman, y una historia reiss si existieran chicas que tengan estás
características divinas, y dulces de estás bellas mujeres.
puntos 1 | votos: 1
verdad - siempre pasa


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