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Comentarios (26)

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eso dicen

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@mistery0, Bueno.. En cierto modo es verdad, aunque la cosa es conseguir que esa cosa no te mate..

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@I feel better with you, Me he explicado bastante mal xd

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@I feel better with you, Da igual, te entiendo jaja

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@mistery0, Oh *_* Felicidad xd

super blue
super blue    
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o te hace mas gordo nunca se sabe
porque se dice: "lo que no mata engorda."

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Eso ya es otro cantar xD

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, ya te digo que si pero es parecido

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Lo es è___e pero el mío mola más (?) jajaja

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, que es è___e??

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Una cara.. Supuesta cara.. xD

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, aaa ok no lo sabia "¬¬

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Lo suponía xD Pero te perdono la vida (?)

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, gracias!!!!

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, De nada :)

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, hombre es de agradecer que no me maten

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Pienso cada día lo mismo xD

super blue
super blue    
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@I feel better with you, ja ja xd pero no creo que te maten

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@super blue, Nunca se sabe, mi perro podría ser un mono asesino entrenado por la NASA..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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muy bueno

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Gracias

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Otra vez con los años ¬¬

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, otra vez te lo tendre que esplicar, PRINCESA

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No hace falta xd

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, menos mal, señorita

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