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The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, lo q quieras!! Pero no le digas a walt!!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, espera!! Podemos llegar a un acuerdo!! ¿no?? XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, nooo!! A traicion!!.......espera! Tu lo dijiste primero ¿o no? XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
     0 / 0  
@Nosferatu Zood, ok confio en ti!! peeeeeeeneee escucha walt_k

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, no puedo decirlo!!! Me pueden banear!!! Ya sabes como son..... :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, me referia a.....dhjcvyuiaqnmhjuviahjqmjkuionbgjklwmñjhyugbn ¿¿entendiste??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zoo, me referia a otra cossa......... º.º

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, vaya!! Un usuario kaliente!! Alerta.....alerta.....alerta!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nelsoncaricatoon, si...estaba pensando en hacremelo crecer y luego teñirmelo!!!! Pero mejor no! XDD es mejor no hacer tonterias

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nosferatu Zood, estupido.....si! Sensual........bah! Nose jajaja XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nelsoncaricatoon, si! Jajaja no creo q sea tan facil...... XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Nelsoncaricatoon, tu lo has dicho!! Ya quisiera yo tenerlo asi!! T.T

The sacred
The sacred    
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@cheshire-neko, ni idea!! ¿quien es??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, ......................T_T ¡lo siento! :(

The sacred
The sacred    
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Ohhhhhh!!! E vuelto jefe!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@cheshire-neko, si!! Mucho :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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Me enknta ese estilo sombrio q tiene!!! :DDDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sakuraxj, estas segura??? :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, por eso mismo!!! D villano!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, T_T snif...snif....¡¡ A mi no me has dedikdo nada!! Ni siquiera d villano!! Buahhh!! :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, "algunos secretos no deberian ser revelados" XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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¿? No es por ofender telyg pero q tiene q ver con la imagen?? XD (solo soy francoo!!)

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, si!! Se parece a ............

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, a callar jefe!!! O acaso quieres q renuncie??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, maloo!!! Me has hecho lloraaaarrr!!! T_T

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, vaya cosa!! XXDDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, siii!!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, q??? Eso es aun peor!!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, bien por ti!! XD jajaja

The sacred
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@Sebastian656, ¿¿¿???

The sacred
The sacred    
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@pipesp1, jajaja yo igual!! De ahi me salio la idea!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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Way!! Hace dar miedo!! Q anime es?? :DDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Erszebet, no hubieras ganado!! Solo cuentan los buenos!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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Estrenitoo!!!!! Jajaja XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Erszebet, fuiste el ganador!!!!! Eres el 400!!!!! Ganaste!! El unico concurso sin premio!! Lo siento T_T

The sacred
The sacred    
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Quien llegara los 400??? Solo lo sabras si votas!!! Jajaja XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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*debes* aun asi ¡¡buen kartel!!! :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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El kabron de arriba ya me esta molestando!! Ya va 2 o 3 karteles q me vota - :@

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, T_T te dije q me equivoq!!!!!!! Q acaso tu nunk te as equivokdo?? :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, enseñarle?? A quien?? :D

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, quieres tener otra vez esta discusion?? Capullo tuuu!!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Oneday, bueno....pues gracias!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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jajaja XDDD vaya pulpo!!

The sacred
The sacred    
     0 / 0  
siii!!! bien dicho!!

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  

The sacred
The sacred    
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sii!! esta mas feo el oso!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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siii!!! ;DD

The sacred
The sacred    
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pero no tanto como el gatoo!!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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vaya!!! q profundoo!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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claro!! a veces pasa no??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, menos conpetencia!! jajaja XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Bulma Briefs, de nada creo?

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Fede28, sin presionn!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, kallate!!! no te rias!!ya me burlare en otra ocasion de ti!!

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, como q nono!!! XDD por lo q yo vi tus karteles son aun mas q los mios!!! jajaja XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sarahdc, a q tanta risa!! jajaja XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, mentiraaa!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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vaya!! no sabia q usaban redes sociales!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sarahdc, jajaja solo no me tomes en cuenta jajaja vaya cara q pusiste!!

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  
@syeni, sii!! yo tambien

The sacred
The sacred    
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@antoniogachero., jajaja!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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jajaja!! vamos por ti mou!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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jajajaja pobre!!

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Explorador, buen punto!!

The sacred
The sacred    
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ahh... bueno lo recordare!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sarahdc, bueno!! q???

The sacred
The sacred    
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@antoniogachero., segun el creador, en la compu!! yo tampoco lo veo....

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  
@syeni, de nada!! ;DD

The sacred
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@silpao, ah....

The sacred
The sacred    
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The sacred
The sacred    
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@syeni, noo nada q ver!! no me molestas!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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por un enemigo??? porq??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sarahdc, jajaja clro!! solo te molestaba! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@syeni, ah....que bien!! fui de ayuda???

The sacred
The sacred    
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@jessHellscythe, jajaja!! ta bien fui tambien un poco duro!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@syeni, ya te dije!! rosario vampire!! y en parte soy un poco!1 XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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rosario vampire!!! por??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@jessHellscythe, no seas tan duro!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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siii al musik!!!! sobretodo! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  
solo la mitad??? porq no completos!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@sarahdc, claro!! qqq???

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / -1  
@Nicki200, jajaja XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  
jajaja!! eso le pasa por indesiso!! tambien por imbecil!!jajaja XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / -1  
@Nicki200, literalmente??

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Byakushiki, graxxxx!!!

The sacred
The sacred    
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siii!!! todo es mejor en compania!1 :DDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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jajajaja!!! pobre nina!! q anime es???

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / -1  
jajaja gran metodo!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
     +2 / 0  
la imagen molaaa!!!!

The sacred
The sacred    
     0 / 0  
mentira!!!!! XDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Sora y Roxas, nooo!!! No le digas nada!! Me va a matar!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Sora y Roxas, jajaja XD vamos no llores!! Solo era una broma....en ves d kira parece q eres misa misa jajajajaja!! XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, XP

The sacred
The sacred    
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@Sora y Roxas, si a telyg si!! Vamos!! Jajaja XD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, si! Es q se me acabaron!!! Pronto bajare algunas!!! XDDD

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, -_-

The sacred
The sacred    
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@telyg, bueno! XP jajaja

The sacred
The sacred    
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@WillTay, por tu reaccion veo q te fue grandioso!! :D

The sacred
The sacred    
     0 / 0  
Jajajaja muy cierto!!

The sacred
The sacred    
     +1 / 0  
Waaaaaa!!!! Me equivoq!! T_T *no vuelvas a irte nunca* XDD


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