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Comentarios (81)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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pues tengo unas cuantas horas

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Mejor :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, para ti, tengo mi vida

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Olooo *_*

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, te quiero, mi amor

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Y yo mi niño :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pero yo mas

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si, yo te quiero mas, tonta

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Nonono

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, no me lleves la contraria

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Lo hago

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, chica ilegal... pues te llevare a la carcel... o lo que es lo mismo, a mi cama

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿Tu cama es la cárcel? e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, sep, pero todos se portan muy bien, aun no he traido a nadie

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pero yo también soy muy buena

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ;), eres malisima

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Noo D:

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si... lo digo yo, asi que te llevo a mi carcel...XD

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Juu vale

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, bien!, se cierra la carcel, pero tu te quedas en ella

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Qué chachi xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, bieeeen, to' guay... ahora ya no vas a salir...XD

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Jopetas

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jejeje... te quedas conmigo para siempre... wuahahahhahahahhaha

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, perfecto... entonces, podriamos hacer lo de la ducha...

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Jajajaja shhh

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, si no ha comentado nadie... con lo cual, nadie se enterara

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Da igual, pero cualquiera puede ver los comentarios.

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pues la pornosidad la dejamos para los privs

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Exacto xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, bueeeeeeno... pero antes, necesito un beso

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Te dije que eso no hacía falta pedirlo

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ya, pero ultimamente, recibes mal las señales por telepatutia

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Ya, tengo interferencias xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, lo suponia, debe ser alicia

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Alaaaaa e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, nos tiene que dejar un momento tu y yo solos

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, jajajaja pero pobrecica ¬¬

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, esque yo solo quiero contigo, no un trio

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Alaaa qué bestia eres xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, solo expreso mis sentimientos

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pues tus sentimientos son bestias xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, les mandare un comunicado diciendolo, pero ahora tengo la agenda muy ocupada

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Uy, el señorito ocupado xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, estoy ocupado en: 19:19, estar con la mejor novia del mundo, 19:20, estar con la mejor novia del mundo... y asi consecutivamente

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Oioioioi qué bonico *_*

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jajajajajaja... esque eres lo mejor

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Pues como tú e.e Y no me lleves la contraria

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, mmm... pues, SOMOS LOS MEJORES, asi mejor?

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Mmmmm.. Bueno, vale..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, pero tu un poquitin mejor

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, NO, rotundamente, no

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, vaaale, igual... igual

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jajaja, te quiero, mi amor

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Y yo mi niño :)

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, ;), tengo una novia cojonuda

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Qué capullo eres xD Que me entra la risa D:

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, motiva mucho que me insultes

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, No, no motiva D:

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, a mi me hace gracia

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Bien xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jajajaja... y si me hace gracia, me motiva

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Vale e.e

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, jo, sobre qué quieres hablar

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Mmmmmm.. No sé..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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martin pazos
martin pazos    
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martin pazos
martin pazos    
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martin pazos
martin pazos    
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I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, :O Ya pone los dos ojos :D

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, le dio una venada a walt_k

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, Otra..

martin pazos
martin pazos    
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@I feel better with you, esque es piromano

I feel better with you
I feel better with you    
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@martin pazos, ¿? xD

martin pazos
martin pazos    
     0 / 0  
@I feel better with you, jajajajajajaja... XD

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