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Añadido por The reason why I smile | Comentar(166)
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tony black jack
tony black jack    
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Mi perrito Rony e.e

The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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@tony black jack, Mi tortuga Tortu xDDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja que nombre más original e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Oye, que es muy bonito D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja si e.e nombre bonito igual que el de la dueña :3

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Oish, no hagas que me vuelva tomate e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pero es que no eres mi tomatito si no te vuelves tomate e.e

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@tony black jack, Y tengo que estar efecto tomate siempre que hablo contigo o que? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja no se e.e puede

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No, no...que vas a agotar mi atomatamiento xd

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, vale vale e.e

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@tony black jack, Me has hecho caso :D :D :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, que contenta te pones cuando te dan la razón, ehh ê__________ê

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@tony black jack, Feliz como una perdiz...ya te lo sabes xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, como era? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, feliz como una perdiz que come regaliz sin cicatriz

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, memoria de elefante jaja e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Eres asi de viejo? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, hay elefantes jóvenes e_e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, El tópico es que sean viejos e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, yo los tópicos me los paso por la bolsa de Cheetos e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Nunca había oído esa expresión e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, técnicamente la has leído e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Especialito que es el chaval e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jajajaja SUPONGO ê.ê

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, ASCO DE PALABRA.

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, vale vale e.e jajaja

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, La voy a odiar por tu culpa e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pobre palabrita, ella no tiene la culpa :(

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@tony black jack, La tienes tu e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja ¡oye! que cruel e.e

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@tony black jack, Es verdad tsss
La verdad es mejor que la mentria xd

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja como rectificas DD:

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@tony black jack, No rectifico d:

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@tony black jack, Cuando? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, 5 comentarios atrás e.e

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@tony black jack, Pero..dejame D:

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@tony black jack, Jajajaja es una expresion e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No me gusta ver mis fallos xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jajaja ---->supongo

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@tony black jack, No me hagas sufrir D:

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@tony black jack, Wiiiiiiiiiiiii

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Weeeeeeeeeeeeee

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Woooooooooooooooooooo

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, BORRIQUITO COMO TÚ e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, QUE NO SABES NI LA U. e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, TURURÚ e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, te has saltado media canción e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, me da igual jaja e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Quieres arruinar mi infancia del burriquito?
Eres muuuy malvado e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja si e.e Soy como el doctor dofermish e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo soy perry el ornitorrinco e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja entonces me tendrás que atacar DDDDDDD:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pero desde el cariño e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, si, si jaja No has visto como le zurra perry? DDDDDD:

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@tony black jack, Pero en realidad se quieren e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, si, viven un romance homosexual oculto bajo un fuego eterno e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Dios, que bonito *__*

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que ha quedado bonito, anormal e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Mucho e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, lo noto, y bastante jaja

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Como que bastante? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pues que bastante. e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Soy de pueblo e.e xDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, yo de ciudad e.e pero me adapto rápido e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo tambien me adapto rápido e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Algún problema? e.e

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@tony black jack, Cual? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, que no me gusta que me copien D:

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@tony black jack, Que pena e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pena penita pena e.e

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@tony black jack, Para ti si e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, NO ME DIGAS e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, SI TE DIGO e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, SIIIIIIIIIIII :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Demasiado e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, conmigo si e.e

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@tony black jack, Lo sé, me gusta e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Jigsaw me trataría mejor :(

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@tony black jack, No, porque yo no juego (?)

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, e.e ..? jaja

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@tony black jack, Jajaja no se, estoy tonta XD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja no hombre, yo tambien suelo soltar paridas e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Menos que yo e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, GEL DE DUCHA

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@tony black jack, PATITOS DE GOMA

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, ZAPATOS DE LUNA CON TIRITAS

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, CAJAS DE BESOS VOLADORES.

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, quiero una e.e

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@tony black jack, Buscatela e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo ya tengo una e.e
Si quieres te la presto tsss
Pero como me has llamado cruel ya nada

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, :( pues me chuichido! e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pues no me llames cruel e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, es que lo eres e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Mentira cochina e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Gané :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Y FAK DAT SHET e.e xD

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@tony black jack, Pero gané e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, haciendo trampas :'(

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@tony black jack, Mentira D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, vale :D xDDD

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@tony black jack, No me des la razón como si estuviera loca XD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, te la doy porque te consiento mucho xDD

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@tony black jack, No me mimes...tsss XD

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@tony black jack, No quiero e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, pe...pero D:

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@tony black jack, Peperoni e.e

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@tony black jack, Que tiene en contra del peperoni? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Yo que sé e.e

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@tony black jack, Es la leche e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Los peperonis no tienen leche D:

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@tony black jack, Por qué? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Porque no e.e jaja yo que se, no tiene leche e.e

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@tony black jack, Dame una prueba e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, NO SABEN A LECHE.
Y son hortalizas(creo) y las hortalizas no tienen leche e.e

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@tony black jack, Puede ser una leche sin sabor e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Eso no existe.

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@tony black jack, Porque tu lo digas..

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Y porque lo digas, tu, ¿no?

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Vale chico..

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, e.e ¿ves que mal sienta no ser mimao?

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@tony black jack, aunque reconozco que me he puesto en plan borde xD

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@tony black jack, Un poquito xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja perdón :(

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@tony black jack, Esta te la guardo e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, rencorosa e.e

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@tony black jack, Demasiado e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, jaja SIEMPRE eres demasiado

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@tony black jack, Ahora estoy demasiado enfadada contigo e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No quiero que te vaaaayas D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Procuraré en un porcentaje menor al 10 % no hacerlo e.e pero es que necesito hacerlo

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, porque sí. Ya me harté de todo un poco y no quiero ser un adicto e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Si es lo que tu quieres..

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Si. No me comas el coco D:

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@tony black jack, No, no..tu eres libre.

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Son los mejores joer :')

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@The reason why I smile, Ellos siempre tan modestos

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