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Añadido por [_]_]llllllllllD | Comentar(59)
Imágenes, Carteles y Desmotivaciones de

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Comentarios (59)

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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No logro encontrar el numero de este cartel. e.e

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@The smoking poet, de cual

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, No, acabo de encontrarlo.

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@The smoking poet, jaja, bueno XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Yo lo decía por el numero.

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@The smoking poet, qué numero es

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Supongo que es el 52, no?

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@The smoking poet, de qué cartel hablas

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Joder, quería decir 51. xD

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@The smoking poet, jajja sí es el 51 XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Ya lo había visto, pero me equivoque.

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@The smoking poet, a ok, se me hacía más difícil de encontrar el 64 XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Pero ya no vas por ahí.

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@The smoking poet, no ahora voy por el 46 y 45, no encuentro una imagen que me guste XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Busca en pinterest.

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@The smoking poet, lo haré XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Yo de ahí saco todo lo que utilizo en mis carteles. xd

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@The smoking poet, ya vi, pero me aburrí XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Debes registrarte para conseguir más imágenes.

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@The smoking poet, eso es más aburrido XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Pídele ayuda a alguien. e. e

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@The smoking poet, ayúdame XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Pero yo no tengo idea de lo que intentas buscar. e.e

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@The smoking poet, cosas que me llamen la atención, la frase ya se me ocurrirá XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Vale, entonces dime cuales son los que quieres. e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Con este copiarías a Hada. xd

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@The smoking poet, están muy nenas la imágenes XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Las encontré cuando yo estaba buscando algunas cosas en google. e.e

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@The smoking poet, jajaja XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Te dije que no sabría lo que te gusta.

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@The smoking poet, sorprenderme

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, En estos momento tengo pereza de buscar imágenes. xd

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@The smoking poet, jajja yo ya encontré la de mis siguientes tres carteles XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Entonces no necesitan ayuda, solamente te da pereza buscar. xd

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@The smoking poet, algo así XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Yo lo sé. e.e

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@The smoking poet, tú qué sabesXD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Sé muchas cosas que tú no.

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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Mira mi avatar, ahí esta mencionando la formula de la inmortalidad.

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@The smoking poet, tu avatar es una copia del mío

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, No logras ver lo que dice eh. e.e
¿Una copia? xD pero tu no fumas.

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@The smoking poet, lo que me rodea la cara es humo XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, ¿Enserio? pensé que era barro o algo así. xD

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@The smoking poet, no, es humo infinito XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Y como logras respirar?

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@The smoking poet, eso lo dice tu avatar, sólo que no lo sabes descifrar

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Jaja no lo creo.
Para entonces tu ya hubieras muerto.

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@The smoking poet, no es posible

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Yo recuerdo que ese no era tu avatar.

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@The smoking poet, cuál era?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, No estoy muy seguro.

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@The smoking poet, mi primer avatar fue...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, No lo recuerdo. D:
Pero si recuerdo que usaste uno así, solamente que la espuma tenía forma de pene.

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@The smoking poet, jajaja sí XD

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@[_]_]llllllllllD, Pero no recuerdo el primero.

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