-Nunca puedo matar a Bart

La cola

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Comentarios (38)

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Jaja lol. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, venía a invocarte bob(o)

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Te gane. :3

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, jajaja, pero es que :S :S hasta ahora lo vi -_- eso debe ser trampa o algo :S

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Yo reviso la cola todos los días, de principio a fin. xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, así de mucho debes aburrirte :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No, lo hago por algo. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, e_e algo que como siempre no dirás e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Te lo diría pero eres tonta para entenderme. ;(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Y por qué pasas el link de mi otro cartel? .-.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, porque es una tonta entendiendo a un tonto :(

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No recordaba lo que habías platicado al principio ahí.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, eres un distraído :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Estaba pensando en cosas prohibidas.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, que te rinda (?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, entonces no :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, tonta.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, boba

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, idiota.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Oye.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, está bien, bobo*

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, e.e te pasas.

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, bobo, solo bobo :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, Bob patiño. e.e

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, te diré David Luiz :3

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No es buena idea. e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, ¿De dónde sacaste ese dibujo? xd

Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, te pasó la pagina?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Una ilusion
Una ilusion    
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@The smoking poet, ah, pero tú no usas facebook :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Una ilusion, No, hace mucho que no utilizo Facebook.

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¿La séptima vez que trata matarlo? xd

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bart muere sólo

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