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 Votos recibidos:
bueno 468 | malo 6

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, jajaj espero que no te vaneen

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, te gustan casi todos mis carteles xd

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, me alegro(;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, buuuff ya te digo:S

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, mas claro imposible

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, muchas gracias(;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, si, mas de una vez me e sorprendido

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, ala que guay(;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, si, haber si es pronto

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, cierto, gracias

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, buff no creo

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, nada^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, jajaja

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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me gusta^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, claro que si

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, me alegro muchisimo ^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, eso es bueno

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, (; es tan mono

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, no me las des ^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, no, te la voy a buscar

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, puff no se como pasartela

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, Jajajaja(:

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Ize, es tan mono^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
     +1 / 0  
@Cata_FR, más de una vez lo penes... +1

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
     +1 / 0  
tal vez si la o le hubieses conocido antes puede que las cosas sean de otra forma

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
     +1 / 0  
gran cartel

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@mtvt18, yeah!

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@mtvt18, si, la verdad

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@mtvt18, porsupuesto(;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@spongeboob, un error lo tiene cualquiera xd

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@LuckyLunatik, hoy hacer el cartel(;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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yo creo lo mismo :S

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@produccionesingalo, la verdad es que si

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@produccionesingalo, jaja puede (;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Smile-23, me alegro (;

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Zarchar, :S

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
     +1 / 0  
@Zarchar, asi que estamos en la misma situación, no?

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Nombreimposible, estando sola, no se pierde nada

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Nombreimposible, Gracias, bueno alomejor es estar mejor solo o sola que mal acompañad@

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@susanita tiene un raton, pues unomismo :S

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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@Crunkcore, nada^^

Hate and Drugs
Hate and Drugs    
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