En Desmotivaciones desde:

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bueno 33 | malo 59

puntos 12 | votos: 14
puntos 9 | votos: 13
Motiva - lo que me regalaré por Navidad
puntos 75 | votos: 79
Fuck yeah - La nueva generacion
puntos -4 | votos: 20
Motiva! - Que la gente haya visto esta película y que a la gente le haya gustado!
puntos 26 | votos: 34
Desmotivante.. es... - Que mis amigos me llamen tio raro por escuchar eminem,
slipknot, metallica, nirvana, disturbed y muchos mas
cuando ellos solo conocen el reggeton y critican sin saver

puntos 19 | votos: 23
Motiva - Conocerlo desde antes de su cancion con Rihanna,y que sea tu cantante favorito
puntos -22 | votos: 30
Shady... - When me and fif’ got together to do this music
The more we became enveloped we just developed a fellowship through it
It’s no pretend shit its friendship meaning this is assuming
This ent him it’s just media see the image is images
With the shit its new gimmicks, its jus blood in and blood out
When there’s beef you just gotta know when to butt in and butt out,
If there’s a problem we solve it, we don’t resolve it
It usually just evolves into one big brawl and we all get involved
[ these lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]
And we should all get a merit, cause most beef we inherit
And wear it like a badge of honor, pass it around and share it
And let it go to whoever’s holding the most current beef on they’re shoulders
And the soldiers got their back s to the toper
But tonight we ent come in here to beef with nobody
We came to party, Banks, Cashis and Mr. Ferrari
So it’s Shady, Aftermizath, packin’ that ass
You wizass, comizo what kinda bizucko musician is that?
puntos -12 | votos: 28
Él eS el MeJoO - Im not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
Well walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, youre not alone
Holla if you feel that youve been down the same road


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