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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Cierto :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@jordi costart, jeje es que no entendí de que trataba tu cartel xd

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Capricornio? e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
     +1 / 0  
Y nunca perder la esperanza que las cosas algún día cambien.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
     +1 / 0  
Esta rodeado por mucha lana e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Su hermana debe de ser la muñeca annabelle :p

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@.Samantha., Gracias :)

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Eso depende de como veas las cosas.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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una calabaza interesante ewe

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Esta esta loca D:

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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xd no tiene diferencia alguna.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Siempre nos hace falta un poco de iniciativa.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Y los que jamas se olvidan.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Nuestros demonios...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Sin duda alguna que son los amigos verdaderos.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Porque no les queda salida.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Así quien no ewe

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Los recuerdos siempre nos perseguirán.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Aveces no podes dejar de hacerlo.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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cogeme? o.o

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Casi todos se guían con los ojos y no mas con el corazón.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Uno de los mejores carteles que aya visto +1

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Algo simplemente genial :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Porque no sabes quién puede enamorarse de tu sonrisa.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Los momentos en que maduramos...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Re subido e.e?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Algo imperdonable...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Simplemente obvio...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Nadie es es completamente sincero.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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El silencio dice mas que mil palabras.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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me parece que no e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Lo que el tiempo se ah llevado nada lo ara que regrese.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@slipkdemon, Parece que no le esta gustando e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@sergiopv, Eso es bueno, nunca dejes que te derroten.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Damnreality, Es cierto y dar una sonrisa no te quita nada.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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El amor te hace hacer muchas cosas...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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No todos e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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o: pero eso no es manera de rascare la espalda

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Una dulce sonrisa puede hacer cambiar todo :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Se parece a Shé e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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El a ver perdido una ves nunca significa a ver sido derrotado para siempre.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Todo cuenta, porque lo que importa es no quedarse de brazos cruzados.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Cosas que matan :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Buen cartel, pero te falto la mayúscula al principio.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Cierto, porque si no te quieres a ti mismo mucho menos sabrás como querer a otra persona.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Porque no tiene otra opción y tratan de sobrevivir.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Nunca se puede olvidar y los recuerdos te mataran lentamente.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@slipkdemon, Si, tienes razón pero a quien maso menos te resulto familiar?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@slipkdemon, Porque lo dices? ah quien te recuerdo :O

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@slipkdemon, hola ewe

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Sin la música nada en esta vida tendría sentido.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Doni-Okazaki, Si, tienes razón en ocasiones dejamos vencernos fácilmente y no intentarlo ni una ves mas.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Esta re subido?

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Las lagrimas aligeran un poco el dolor, pero nunca hacer que desaparezca.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Un momento incomodo.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Los miedos pueden cegarte y hacerte caer.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Tristemente eso pasa cuando menos lo esperas u.u

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Es el gato del exorcista D:

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Karaoke, Si, y dejan un desastre a su paso xd

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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jaja les gusta morder todo.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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hermoso cartel.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Si, ya se acabo el fin de semana u.u

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Solamente se engañan con una ilusión que no durara por siempre.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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El silencio de una persona duele mucho.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Es cierto, porque te sientes identificado con la letra.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
     +1 / 0  
Son iguales e.e

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Es porque se pierde la esperanza...

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@Knight of Zero, Gracias :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Aunque resulte ser una mala decisión tomar como ultimo recurso las cosas al azar :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@tristura13, jaja sí

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Muy cierto, pero aun siendo así algunos no quieren aceptar su mala ortografía.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@MyNameIsDobleD, Estos serias los postres favoritos de cualquier hombre xD porque abren el apetito fácilmente.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@tristura13, jaja si ese momento incomodo en que no sabes que responder xP

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Yo si tengo hambre :3

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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jaja yo lo he echo :p

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@morenita97, Bueno tienes razón en eso, porque debemos aceptar la realidad y dar siempre una sonrisa que puede hacer cambiar cada día de nuestras vidas.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@morenita97, Es cierto :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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@morenita97, Si, los recuerdos siempre nos perseguirán.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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El error que cometemos muchos :/

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Es una triste realidad.

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Porta es la ostia :D

The smoking poet
The smoking poet    
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Yo quiero practicar parkour *-*


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