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puntos -12 | votos: 16
Porque - aunque nos quieran hacer creer lo contrario, la droga es buena
puntos 7 | votos: 7
Logan Lerman - no es solo un actor tambien es muy lindo y especial
puntos 2 | votos: 2
CHRISTMAS - christmas is the time of the year  that makes you happy is not just
about the presents or the hot chocolate is about gathering with the
people you love
puntos 5 | votos: 5
THE REAL LOVE - true love is the trust that you have in a person, the romance is the
love you have into her/him , the patience and listening that you have
into that person its everyting swett that you can think of about love
puntos 5 | votos: 5
por esas lagrimas - que brotaron  cuando me dijiste que ya no me querias mas


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